Monday, 3 March 2025

Pannal Unwanted? Development

Thanks to John Mann our local Cllr we all received news of proposed development in Pannal and Burn Bridge. - south of and .behind Walton Park on the east side of the A61, south of Smithy Close and west of the A61,Burn Bridge Road, Hillfoot Lane, Hilltop Lane, Rossett Green Lane, adjacent to Ashville College, Church Lane. Just think of all the traffic that will come through Pannal. It just goes to show how Pannal was loved by HBC and now NYC - I think not. I have always said if they could put a prison or a Borstal here they would have done so. Pannal is a Village of that we are all proud but if the "powers that be" get their way we will not be. The west side of Harrogate has had more than their fare share of housing. Probably not everyone will agree with me but this is my view. 

I have lived here in 2026 sixty years and in those far off days we had a great variety of birds.  Lapwings a large number, Thrush, a number of Blackbirds,  Starlings ,Wagtails and occasionally other visitors all in our gardens, and in the Quarry Owls, Woodpeckers, Pheasants, Rooks. Also Bats who nested in the Larch trees that fronted our gardens, Now all we have are a few sparrows and tits ,some rooks that nest in the large trees in the garden of the Old Schoolhouse. lots of magpies and pigeons. Having said all this, during covid with hardly any cars about we could hear birdsong but never saw many birds. 

I was reading the other day mention from the Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council re Woodcock Hill.. We all knew where that was as there was a sign at the top of Main Street that said Woodcock Hill but that was removed a few years ago and one saying Spring Lane was put up. Would be nice to see the Woodcock Hill sign re-instated or Woodcock Hill leading to Spring Lane. I have passed these thoughts onto the P&BBPC

Is Spring nearly here? Tigs seems to think so as she is spending more time in the garden instead of trying all the seats in the lounge to find the one most comfortable. She also says she cannot now be bothered chasing birds. Tigs and Marble were never much good anyway. Do remember Tigs brought a rabbit through the cat flap to me and I put it in the Quarry and she brought the same rabbit back twice more. I ended up getting the car out and taking the rabbit up to the top of the Valley Gardens.  

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Pannal no snow now

 In all my many years here I do no remember snow lasting as long. In the past we have had heavy snow but it has gone in a few days. This time our cars were well and truly "snowed in". Now we are free.

One very sad happening . We found out Ken Walker had died. H died in August and no one in Pannal was informed. We only found out When we sent Christmas cards. I heard from Shirley Wilson. Shirley was one of the ladies Jo Hayward was the other lady who started Pannal's very first Play Group. Shirley and I and obviously a number of other villager had kept in touch with Ken. Ken was the owner of Walkers the butcher and veg shop where the hairdressers now is. I knew Ken before that as when we lived at Kirkby Overblow he used to come round with his van that we bought met and veg from. When Ken was going to retire Shirley rang me to tell me and said "what can we do to mark the occasion" I said "lets have a party". St Robert's Church Hall was booked and we told the village but it was a secret from Ken. Come the big day Peter and Shirley Wilson and Bas and I and all the villagers who had baked and got wine and drinks set all this out. Don't know where Ken thought he was going for lunch but it was not to the Church Hall. We were all there and greeted him rapturously. He was quite overcome and shed a tear. All his staff old and new were there. That was so lovely. It was a never to be forgotten event. I was only just thinking of this today as I was walking round a very quiet village as in those far off days Saturday was not a quiet day as we all "went to the butchers" to collect our orders. RIP Ken you were a lovely man. 

This year the lights on Pannal Green were amazing and I emailed the Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council to tell them so. Another change for my mind to go back to the time when I was on the committee of the Pannal and Burn Bridge Village Society and at our Annual Members Meeting I raised the question could we put up some fairy lights on Pannal Green at Christmas?  I was telephoned by two wonderful villagers one who said I can provide the trees and the other said I can provide the lights but please do not mention our names we want to do this anonymously. Wonderful. More lights were later added blue and white ones in memory of the three boys from Pannal Green who were tragically killed along with another poor gentleman who was on his way home. Three benches were also placed on Pannal Green and this was with money collected by the customers of the boys who had a paper round That was a number of years ago and they have all been replaced now. To great effect and the lights for 2025 will be stupendous I have been told. 

Tigs loved the snow. I loved the snow from inside the house as I was battling flu which has not quite gone as I cannot shake off the lingering cough but hopefully I will. 

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Happy New Year for some

Great for everyone who had a good New Year. I had a lovely brilliant Christmas with my family in Bristol. New Year we were all getting together from Bristol, Cheltenham, Lake District, Peak District Wakefield but, for some, it was not to be. My daughter Susan and family first to cry off due to flu then friends from Wakefield were next and even worse Helene was taken as an emergency to Pinderfields where she was admitted for over a week in intensive care. Everyone else arrived saw in the New Year with James not feeling too good. Richard next one to feel rubbish. Michael and Helen only there for one night as they were flying off to Austria. I managed another couple of days then flu hit me hard. I am not a bed person but afraid I was this time. It has taken me until now to feel nearly normal. Well as normal as I will ever get as my family and friends say. Then the snow arrived. Family had gone to their respective homes whilst we rivalled Austria. The grandchildren were gutted as they missed the snow. Now every year since we have lived here I have built a snowman first with the kids then just me. This year unfortunately no I was not up to doing that. Such a shame. As I type this snow still there but slowly going. I am feeling much better but still have the cough. Unfortunately this is my sad tale of woe. Now hoping for better things from 2025. 

One question I will ask is why do we pay Council Tax. What is that for?? We were told to put our bins out on Friday 10th December very early to be collected. Thanks to two young men who were passing I managed that. All our bins are still there waiting to be emptied. The footpaths were never gritted (they used to be) they were deadly. The cars had pushed a lot of snow to the side of the road and onto the pavements. It is now compacted. Nobody has seen a postman. No one has had any mail delivered. Don't even know if it is being collected. What has happened to Great Britain is it turning into a third world country? Having lived here sixty years things were never this bad. My children have happy memories of taking their sledges down to the VG on the bridge to collect our weekly bread order. 

Woodcock Hill was like a sheet of glass and an Asda Van skidded into Mrs Nimmo's wall followed by a car trying to avoid the van. The road is still closed with warning signs. I remember Mr Winfield's the Headmaster of Pannal Primary School's wife, who was the school secretary and at the time, lived in the school house on Woodcock Hill fell and broke her arm having slipped in the snow as unfortunately the gritting lorries could not get up/down the hill. Ah yes there used to be gritting lorries. 

What a miserable blog. 2025 has just started so lets hope we shall have a good year. A lovely summer and we shall all feel so much better. Onwards and upwards as the saying goes. 

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Pannal Lit up

 I am not a fan of gold and white lights so when the fir trees on the green were beautifully decorated in coloured lights that for me is magic. Pannal Green certainly beats Harrogate for lights. They have gold and white lights and the trees on the Stray are the same. I loved it when every boundary tree was a different colour especially on Montpellier Hill.

People will notice I have a red car on my drive. Yes it is mine as people are coming to the door and saying "are you alright"? which is very kind of them but yes I am but I had a nasty scare with my lovely blue car. I have had it 26 years and I loved it (but my children had told me repeatedly to get another car) It was fine and I was taking it to Starbeck for is MOT. I went down by Morrisons and was just approaching the railway crossing which was open. Good job I never put my foot down a bit as My car suddenly stopped very near the crossing and then the barrier went down. To say I was shaken was an understatement as I could have been on the crossing. Anyway I had a near miss. I rang my garage and spoke to lovely Dave ( whom I have been with since before I had my blue car) who came out and the car was towed to his garage. Dave rang later and said it was a write off. Everything had failed. I had just got a full tank of diesel too. Looking for another car I had a very unfortunate experience the other side of Knaresborough when someone whom I thought was genuine selling me a car was not. Found out in time. So put it all down to experience. So hope my red car is as lovely as my blue one was. 

I had a bath with a shower over it and my children said I should have it removed and a shower in its place as it would be safer than me climbing in and out of the bath. I said I have been doing that for a very long time and I am fine but gave in then because the bath had sprung a leak behind the shower so I have have a new shower and told my children don't you dare suggest a seat thing in there and they said we were not going too. I had all the doors shut but the dust has got everywhere. Wondered if I could call it fairy dust because it is Christmas but no I would not get away with that.  Tigs of course was fed up with the whole operation. Also wonder why my lovely blue car gave up the ghost and the shower over the bath did likewise. Spooky eh?

Well as I said coming up towards Christmas I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year for us all. 

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Pannal dark

I went round to see a friend in Westminster Drive Burn Bridge last weekend. My friend loves cakes so I take her cake or cakes. I supply the goods she supplies the tea or coffee. Well we nattered on and I did not realize how dark it was getting. Very dark by the time I left. At the corner of Westminster Drive walking round to Rosedale no street light ,pitch black, piles of leaves on the pavement really quite scary. Anyone else come across this - not good. Talking of leaves I have cleared the patio garden by St Roberts. Looked good for about five minutes then more leaves came down so I shall have to trundle down there again and clear new fallen leaves but not in the rain. When I was there visitors were reading the Interpretation Board for which I did all the writing and provided the photographs. I have been clearing leaves and also did the little garden there fifteen years ago. Strange all those years ago people stopped and spoke whether you knew them or not but now no one speaks just all walk past sometimes I speak to them but just normally get a grunt in reply. Why are people like this? Oh I do miss friendly old Pannal. 

Have you noticed the new Notice Board that has been put up at the entrance to Sandy Bank Quarry on the left hand side as one goes in. Danger do not enter sign. What is that all about? I remember many years ago two boys went up the hill on the left hand side before the gate entrance and got stuck and the fire brigade had to rescue them but that was years go. I used to go that way and walk along the top of the quarry now I walk along the bottom. P&BBPC are/were putting a notice there asking dog walkers to pick up after their dogs which I totally agree with. As some people seem to think there is a Poo Fairy who will do it for them. 

A couple of weeks ago I was walking up to the Post Office and there was an elderly lady in front of me> I caught up with her just outside the Dentists and good job I did as she staggered over towards the dentists grass incline I ran grabbed her right arm and steadied her. She could have had a nasty tumble down and I never realized that one could do that. Have a look as you pass. 

I am having my bath removed. It has a shower over it but my children ganged up on me and said you need a proper shower. I said I have been getting in and out of the bath for nearly sixty years I am perfectly fine. No I did not win that argument so I have agreed and it will be done net week. Plus new sink, splash walls etc. Then my car gave up the ghost. I was taking it for its MOT and just this side of the railway crossing it suddenly stopped never to go again. Thank goodness it was not on the actual crossing - a near thing. Fortunately lovely Dave from the garage rescued me. Been using Dave for many years and he has always been kind. Also fridge, washing machine and cooker all broke down and I have had to buy replacements. Still got the vac as that was new this year. Christmas coming and I have had to pay to replace. Not done the car as yet. All unbelievable. 

Tigs loved the snow. She was skipping about making funny little noises. I like snow and there was enough to build a snowman then the rains came so I could not. Tigs decided she had had enough and has spent the rest of the day in the arm chair. She is not daft!!

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Pannal not quiet

 We are having all the pot holes filled in on Main Street and Station Road. We have had to pick our time to go out and then get back. A few years ago we lost The Harwood Pub which we all felt was sad. Although latterly it was not worth going to as it was being run down. Then came the Coop on the site and whilst the workmen are here I am using more frequently it and it is at times a God send. I always walk there and back as it is only "up the road". I was sorry to see Spacey Houses go. Tried to save it but not able to do a lot when the roof was taken off during the night when it was raining by its owners. Think we have the disruption until November but the road looks good and we are not having to avoid the holes.

Unfortunately I have had to go to a few funerals one of them I sat beside this lady and when the relatives came in she said to me is that the son and I said no the son-in-law. Then she said is that the daughter and whose children are they? At the end of the Service I whispered to her do you know them and she said no I look in the Harrogate Advertiser to see if there are any funerals near me as you always get a good spread. On this occasion she was most annoyed as there was no "spread"

As I was walking up to the Post Office in front of me was an elderly lady and we were just passing the dentists where she sort of staggered left. I ran and caught her right arm and pulled her back as she nearly fell down the embankment in front and to the side of the building. Hopefully no one else will take a tumble down it. 

Have had my Injections Covid in the right arm and Fu in the left. Can't say I had a good nights sleep that night.

In my rear garden I have a large apple tree and have had hundreds of apples again this year. I stew and freeze them and it is lovely to have apple pies etc over the winter months.. We all enjoy the pie but I am not that saintly as there are so many I have to peel and core that I do get quite fed up. I also have some large quince bushes and one year I made quince jelly and another year gin. That was it never again I just tell people if you want any quince I shall leave a bag or bags at the top of the drive. They are always taken.

Tigs still spending time outside the house as the weather is good but soon she will spend more time inside than out. Tigs is a very affectionate little cat and follows me everythere. I kid myself she love me but really it is for more food. 

Monday, 23 September 2024

Pannal and he Gas Man Goeth

 At last all is peace again. No barriers or cones.  Holes in road filled in and holes in gardens filled in too. One thing I have noticed is that the cars are back rat running and my goodness they have certainly speeded up. Quite scary sometimes the speed they go. Main Street is a 20mph zone as we have a school and we are a village not a race track. 

In my last blog I was under the impression that the Harrogate Civic Society were running the Heritage Open Days events. No Heritage Open Days is a nation wide event taking place all over the Country. The Harrogate Civil Society just included Harrogate's events in their Newsletter. I did my bit doing a Walk round Pannal. We had a warm sunny day and competed with the gas men for road space. Could not go as far up Church Lane or Woodcock Hill as I normally do as the roads were partially closed and far too busy to take a group of twenty along but it was enjoyable non the less. We went up and along Dam Side (Mill Lane)  round St Robert's Churchyard and into St Robert's Church and I told them about their history. We had the pleasure of welcoming two ladies from Leeds with baby in pram and one lady brought her nice little dog. Enjoying the walk was Judith Wilson Pat and Tom Lamb's daughter. Tom was like me a historian and we loved nothing better than spreading maps out and chatting about Pannal our village. We were also accompanied by Geoff. Geoff and his wife Stella organise all the local HOD Walks and Talks. 

Unfortunately a friend of mine died, Ron Colquitt from Burn Bridge and I did his Eulogy at St Roberts for his Service. John Smith our lovely Vicar came to talk to me before the Service and everyone from Lancashire read the Service Celebrating Ron's Life and saw Rev John Smith and Eulogy Anne Smith and all assumed I was his wife. Obviously I disillusioned them. 

I do not know when I started looking and planting the patio beside St Robert's Church with the Information Board that I also did. Well the writing and photos not the actual Board as that was a gentleman from Spofforth. Saturday I went down to sweep up the leaves forgetting that the well attended Beer Festival was on. So there was I feeling like Cinderella whilst everyone was drinking wine and beer. Then the wind got up and I was chasing leaves all over. Did what I could then went into the churchyard and clipped all round the War grave of Arthur Knowles son of Thomas and Sarah Knowles of Mill Lane who died of his wounds at Birmingham Hospital in 1916. He is buried under a tree but his grave is now to be seen. There are three War Graves in the churchyard. 

It is now wet and cold and Tigs is now in wet and cold. So a dry off and a sleep on a chair. Order of the day!!