Sunday, 5 March 2017

What is happening to Pannal?

I have not written since before Christmas. What has been happening since. My computer stopped again after I changed from Windows 7 to Windows 10. New computer but it was nothing to do with the computer it was my yahoo account. It eventually came back but I lost, once again, everything. Loosing contacts is the worst. In my address book I have everyone's names and home addresses but not their email addresses. Since have found out people who were on yahoo have changed as they said it was a terrible account to be on. Kept breaking down. I can agree with that.
Pannal still in turmoil. The housing and offices at the Dunlopillo site going ahead (nearly 200 houses). Seen the plans yuk to the offices. ~Bellway are building the houses, Nuff said.  Houses are going to be up by the A61 whilst Pannal Village is having the offices and light industry in the village and a through road running through the site from the A61 right through Pannal Village by means of a narrow bridge. Now, never mind then, Pannal is used as a rat run so heaven help us when all this goes through. "They" plan to demolish our very well used post office and Steve's house to widen the road for all the traffic to go through. North Yorkshire County Council Highways Department have made mistakes before as I think they do not visit only look at maps. I would be surprised if they knew where Pannal is. I have written to our local Conservative MP who sends out newsletters but does not mention us at all to come and see for himself and also hold a surgery in Pannal and not always Harrogate. Housing planned further towards Harrogate on the A61 which will link Pannal to Harrogate. We are all most annoyed as Pannal was here long before Harrogate. What about the gypsy site, the head of the gypsies has stated they do not want a site in the Crimple Valley, We despair of this Council. All the residents who have lived in the Harrogate area for many many years (in my case 52 years) state that apart from the Council that planted flower beds on The Stray and all lost their seats this is the worst council we can remember. Talking of The Stray our council wanted to open it to many more events without having to apply to the Duchy of Lancaster for permission. Warning signs went out and the residents said no way and the council had to withdraw their plans. Residents 1 Council 0. So sad what is planned for Pannal. We shall loose our green fields where we walk and just have the small recreation ground left and take turns walking round it single file.
I went out before breakfast and did some gardening today. Good job I did as it is now pouring. Whilst out there big fat Tigs caught a very large squirrel It did not stand a chance nor did I in trying to stop her. She is a horrible killer but very affectionate with me. Can't say Marble is affectionate. She has her moments but I honestly think there is nothing in her head. When I come home Tigs run to me Marble runs in the other direction, My friend Sarah who landed me with Marble as her landlord at that time would not allow pets. Sarah now has her own house and her own cat (did not want Marble back as she said she was happy with me. I sense I am the simple/conned one here) which she says is very clever. You see I was landed with the numpty.
I am back to golf and I am still walking by myself or with walking friends. I do love walking and I walk some lovely places. Very lucky to live here as there are so many places to go. History is an other one of my passions. I both write and read about places. Visit them and find out more.