Monday, 10 September 2018

Has summer gone in Pannal

Hasn't it been fantastic, the weather.  I have had a lovely summer. Gardening, golfing and walking been on holiday twice. Had family here been down with them.  Wonderful. But and there is a but. I have hurt my foot. Well it is not something I have done recently. No it was a few years ago at Christmas. All the family were here. We were playing a game. Standing waiting my turn someone who will be nameless James said why don't you sit down Mum. I did only to sit on a whoopee cushion I leapt up in the air and by all accounts it was a spectacular stagger across the room ending in a fall down. A and E where I found I had broken my foot. Caused some merriment there as they asked me what I had done when I told them I could hear all the staff saying she did what. Then various faces would appear round the curtain.Upshot is I have a bone sticking out and it is painful and difficult to walk. So off to see a podiatrist this week.
Now I have always liked travelling up and down Church Lane. A nice quiet country road. Not any longer one takes one's life in one's hands as the number of times myself and my neighbours have had cars on the wrong side of the road approaching us at speed and we have to take evasive action and we are not in the wrong. Two dangerous places coming down Church Lane. Cars parked on the road at Sandy Bank Cottages and also the bend at the entrance to Sandy Bank Quarry where they fly round the corner on your side and the road is not wide enough to do that and the speed limit is 20mph, If any of us have an accident there which is not our fault I honestly think we shall get out the car and lamp them one. Pannal is becoming car maniac dreadful. They do not live here. They are using us as a rat run. Argghh!.
Pot holes. We were all amused to have notices put through our letter boxes and on lampposts tell us about the wonderful work that was going to be carried out filling in and repairing the numerous potholes. Road closed from 9.30am to 5.30pm. No it was not. 0nly took about a couple of hours and they were gone. How we wish we had the grand job that Beckwith Road has had. We have patches.
Marble and Tigs have also had a wonderful summer. Abandoned their beds and slept outside. One very hot day Tigs was sleeping soundly on the table in the garden when she rolled over in her sleep and fell off. Marble just looked at me and said and you think I am the dopey one.
Local Plan is in the library. We still have the development  (P18 and P19 and Spring Lane. Notice they are getting on with the football pitches on the left at the top of Pannal Bank.