Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Peace reigns in Pannal

As I wrote in my blog last time Pannal makes its own congestion. I know it is often not helped by traffic coming through the village as a short cut to reach the A61 but at the moment peace reigns. Pannal school is closed the roads are quiet. As I have often said it is a nuisance in the mornings and afternoons but only for three quarters of an hour each time. No stupid idea of advocating a road to the west of Pannal will help the congestion caused by parents taking and bringing back their children from Pannal Primary School. We have a primary school in the village and we have to live with that. My four children all attended Pannal Primary school (I think we still hold the record for the number of years the children were there).  As I type this not a single car has passed either up or down Main Street and I have just written why that is.
I am writing a book on the Valley Gardens , Harrogate as I was Chairman - for 22 years - and founder of Friends of the Valley Gardens and we saved the Sun Pavilion from demolition. I have a co-author Jane Blayney who followed me as Chairman and we are having fun writing the book which will be out in October. It will not be a hard backed book but a book easy to carry around telling readers about what is in the Valley Gardens and photographs of how it used to be and believe me it was magnificent. I remember it as a little girl and all I remember is flowers everywhere and running up and down the Colonnade. We are being sponsored by Betty's, Harrogate Spring Water and more and all will have their logos on the back of the book. Should be on sale everywhere, hopefully.
I have just come back from our big family holiday in Wales, a few miles from Tenby and we were away last week and spent everyday on the beach swimming with fantastic waves so body boards, kayaks. paddle boards the family brought.  Rented a fantastic house which had its own private path to the beach. Beautiful long sandy beach with few people so it was heaven sent. Long walks and an especially a steep uphill walk to get back to our house. Once down on the beach we were there to stay. Bethany one of my grandchildren had her 7th birthday whilst we were there and she had asked for her party to be on the beach before we set of to Wales so her wish was granted.
Plan has gone in for 26 flats in the Dunlopillo office block. No it is not going to be demolished. Shall look at the plans to see how they are going to make that eyesore beautiful. In 1962 when it was built a brochure, of which I have a copy, was sent out saying that it blended in well with surrounding countryside!!
As well as writing this book I, as the local historian, am answering many questions about Pannal both the village, the people who lived here in past years and also as Pannal Golf Clubs historian so it is pretty busy. I am answering a query at the moment for people who have just moved into a very old house in Burn Bridge and they will be pleased to know I have all the answers to their questions and also what the inside of their house looked like at the beginning of the 1900s.
Played golf yesterday all eighteen holes and the heavy rain and hailstones were a nuisance as we got very wet twice. It was our Lady Captain's Day so we felt we had to finish. 
As I have just come home on Sunday Tigs and Marble (who were well looked after by my neighbour) are making a great fuss of me. They are both very affectionate little cats.