Thursday, 17 October 2019

Peace in Pannal

Quiet in Pannal. Could be because I am out and about selling books. A Souvenir Guide to the Valley Gardens. Steve has some in Pannal Post Office and they are in Harrogate.  It is selling tremendously well. A number of people are buying it for Christmas presents for their children that were brought up here but now scattered around the country but all have a fondness for the Valley Gardens.When friends come to stay with me I ask them where would they like to go and they say Valley Gardens and Bettys. Not surprising really. Our book is £5 a low price as we wrote it for the residents and tourists so that they can get as much enjoyment as we have and are still having. We - me 22 years as founder and Chairman of Friends of the Valley Gardens and Jane followed me for 9 years.
We had our Launch on Sunday and it was lovely. Hosted by CC Jim Clark we had a service in St Wilfred's followed by tea and coffee then off to the Sun Pavilion for lunch with local dignitaries, sponsors and guests. Finished up at Jane's house on York Road. Both Jane and I made cakes and scones and it was a very nice end to a lovely day. The event was great but the weather was not. Constant rain which seems to be par for the course. Our course Pannal has been closed as it was waterlogged.
My cats have not had me around so much but when they do they are so affectionate. See absence does make the heart grow fonder.
Have a look at the book you will really like it. Count the spelling mistakes. It was not Jane and I as not only did we go over our own work but we read each others, Printing errors and they have apologised and will correct them in our next run. There will be another print as it is proving to be a very popular book. First print 1,500. Might be more next time.