Many years ago I was asked to write a history of the Memorial Library at the old Southern College which had a name change to Pannal Ash College now better known now as the Police Training College. Then when plans were afoot for the police to leave I was contacted by their Secretary Margaret Hart, whom I knew, and her boss Terry and asked if I would like any of the memorabilia that was stored there relating to Southern College. If I did not want it no one else did and it would end up in a skip. So my husband and I went up and took it all.. So I now possess all the history of both Colleges, silver cups, school uniforms (a couple) photographs and paintings .I got in touch with the Headmaster - Walter S. Hill's daughter in Eastbourne and asked her if she wanted the large photo I had of her father and various other ones and she said no. I remained in touch with her for years. Her daughter in Canada phoned me to tell me Shirley had died. I told her about a small stained glass window at the College and she now has a copy of it in her home .Knowing what was going to happen to the buildings, because developers do not care, I applied and had the Memorial Library and the Headmaster's house listed. So they will not be demolished. I have written about the history of both the College and the Police Training College in my latest book on Pannal and Burn Bridge. Gosh it is so interesting being a historian, I love what I do. I trained as a journalist and worked for Celtic Football and the MOD.
Now we have in Main Street Northern Gas once more looking for the elusive gas leak. They have been a few times on the same spot then across the road where they took part of the boundary wall down. Now a friend who knew someone from Northern Gas said unless everyone complains they will just repair, what is needed are new pipes. You will have seen what is going on and it is quite dangerous to those of us who drive. The traffic lights take ages to change and I was coming down Church Lane today and I got through the lights but the car behind me jumped them and came right behind me. I always signal my intention to come into my drive but I do know the numpty drivers there are so watch in my rear mirror. Good job I did as they (man and woman) thought I was turning down Rosedale which is on the right and I had my left indicator on and tried to undertake me. This is not an isolated occurrence as one time I got out the car and said to the man in an open topped car what are you doing I indicated left I am not going to turn right and he said yeh but your a woman arn't you..Later on I was talking to my neighbours who have the problem outside their drive when a car came round the corner and very close to us who were standing (social distance apart) on her drive.I We all on Main Street have these problems and it will only get worse with the number of houses being built and house owners using Pannal as a short cut.
I started this blog on a different subject and look where it ended in a rant. So I am going now before it gets any worse.
Marble and Tigs are now in so winter must be coming and I must make sure I have shut the lounge door as Tigs will make a rush for any bed. Marble doesn't she is a lady and not a thug like Tigs.