Friday, 10 February 2023

Just Pannal Village

 I have looked after the patio area beside St Robert's Church where the information Board, that I gave all the information for, is. I have looked after this little area for so many years and I have many chats with people that pass ranging from where does the path behind that Church go to or is there anywhere I can get some coffee? I have even helped a lady who was picking up dog poo from the fields. She was just tidying up as she thought is disgraceful that some people were not picking up after their dogs.I even had a man and woman sit on the seat eating their lunch and just lifted their feet for me to sweep up. They were not there when I started I must just say they came later. 

Now with all the rain and high winds we have had I have not been tidying up but yesterday calm and sunny day off I went down to do so. Now my gardening jacket is black with yellow bits and there I was sweeping up leaves, and there was a lot of them, then this gentleman walking past said to me " about time you did that and are you going all the way along the pavements they are a disgrace".he then walk on.  He obviously thought I was a road sweeper. Did make me smile but today when I went down to clear the little flower beds I wore a bright red jacket and no I was not mistaken for the postman. 

I am still hoping that we shall have a Country Park to honour the Queen. The part I want is one entrance through Sandy Bank Quarry onto the Crimple Valley across the fields and up towards Stone Rings and All Saints. My request has now gone to NYCC who take over in April from HBC. Funny I never looked to see if it was April the 1st.  I am not easily deterred as I had a battle to fight when I was Chairman of the Harrogate Society and formed Friends of the Valley Gardens to fight to save the Sun Pavilion and Colonnades from demolition and I won. So watch this space. I shall with the help of David Wilby KC give it our best shot.  

I have now recovered from falling off the ladder and back to normal. Well as my friends say as normal as I will ever be and I do not think that is a compliment. 

A gentleman- in a magazine I was reading - got in touch with me to say he was putting in the book he was writing about what teachers wrote on school reports what I had written on my report - Empty vessels make the most sound - which I thought for years was a compliment. 

My poor little nearly blind cat Marble follows me wherever I go and I have to be very careful she does not get under my feet as she has a tendency to do. Vet said she is fine and as she has been in the garden and in the house for about fifteen years she knows her way around. Cannot say Tigs looks out for her she does not and will steal her food if I am not looking. .