Friday, 10 March 2023

Snow time in Pannal

 I love snow . Yesterday was miserable and I thought we are not going to get any but lo and behold today snow and sunshine. I will make a snowman in my garden. Not at the front as we have done in years past as my children are artistic and the snowman looked great. I am not artistic at all so he will remain hidden. I made a penguin once and put it on Facebook as I was quite proud of it. Probably unjustifiably but no one said it was not a penguin or were unkind. Don't think I said it was a penguin so that is probably the reason no one was unkind.

Who remembers going to school in the deep (much deeper than this)  snow? I have all the Pannal Primary School Log Books and it states in there on many an occasion that the snow in Pannal was 8 to 10 feet deep. Pannal Primary School was on Woodcock Hill in those far off days only moving to Pannal Green in 1965.Some times there was no heating so the children and teachers who AUTOMATICALLY came to school wore their coats. I remember when I was about seven going to school in very deep snow and it came over the top of my wellies but we all went to school. Remember the bottles of milk that we had to drink with the ice sticking out of the top and we had to put them on the radiators. 

Pannal Post Office has the last 4 books on Pannal and Burn Bridge Their Stories and as they say when they are gone they are gone.I enjoyed writing it and I enjoyed people's reaction to it. This was my fourth book on Pannal. A History of Pannal, Postcards from Pannal, A Centerary History of Pannal Golf Club and this last one. All out of print now but occasionally Amazon has them at a higher price than when they were first published. When I started to collect information on Pannal there was only the Library as a source and I found there was hardly anything on Pannal. No one had ever written about it before. There were occasional references but no book. Now there are four and I feel proud at having put Pannal on the Map. I put on the very first Tree Preservation Order 1969 No 1 Pannal the very first in the whole of Harrogate. I went on to do more and spent a lot of time at the Planning Office. I also saved buildings that were in danger of being demolished in Pannal and Harrogate. It has all been so worthwhile and I am not finished yet "preserving" Pannal. Great place to live.

Saw there is a cherry tree down on Pannal Green. Amazed really as it looked stable but presumably because it had so many branches the wind took it. It is still there.

Oh Tigs and Marble are now 17 and this morning they looked at the snow then looked at me and "said" "and this is" wish I could tell you they pointed but no. Anyway out they went and they loved it. Life in the old cats yet. 

I have a comments column on my Blog would be pleased to hear from you any queries or anything I can help anyone with or your comments about Pannal or just to say hello. 
