Thursday, 16 November 2023

All Pannal

Having tidied up the Patio by St Robert's Church I am now waiting until all the leaves fall as it was a massive job last week clearing what was there.  I am still suffering from a wrist problem after my accident in Palma but I can manage if I take my time but unfortunately no golf as yet. 

Have heard that the Chairman Howard West of Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council is leaving the village and going to be near his daughters and grandchildren. I wish him well. 

Shall share this with you as I as very pleased when it was sent to me by the Harrogate Civic Society. It was send to Heritage Open Days It is anonymous but thank you for taking the time to write it:  " I really enjoyed Anne's tour of my village. I have lived here for three years but knew nothing of the history, often wondered about certain buildings etc. Anne is so passionate about the village and the area, she shared funny anecdotes as well as lots of historical facts bringing the history of the village and it's people to life.  Very interesting tour and talk from such a knowledgeable local historian and resident of the village. We learned a huge amount about this village which is close to where we live, but we soon realised we knew so little about it".

Pannal Neighbourhood News which is now missing from the Harrogate Advertiser will be on line and can now be read on a Wednesday.   

Another kindness was when my little cat died on it way to the vet I went into Cold Bath Deli and when I received my coffee I said to the two girls serving  I am cheering myself up because my little cat has just died. The girls came back to my table and gave me a little card which said sending our love from Cold Bath Deli and have a coffee on us and a little drawn heart. That was really kind. 


Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Pannal and beyond

 Beyond first. I went to Palma with my second son and his family and we all had a lovely time. Sun, sand and good food. Unfortunately or fortunately it was on our last day on the island we decided to go to Palma and spend some time on the beach as it was nearer the airport as we had holidayed in the north east of the island. A very beautiful area with lovely beaches. Our villa was on its own with a very very large garden and a pool. We also had the company of three very tiny kittens and their Mum and a big bruiser of a cat that we think was the father. All very timid but we fed them and we were all delighted that they came nearer and nearer to us. My two grandchildren were very pleased to have them visit us. Must be said so was I as I like all animals apart from cows. Arriving in Palma we discovered the beach and long promenade was chock a block with young Germans who it must be said were loud and noisy and some of them the worse for ware and it was only 11am. We decided to walk to the end of the prom out of their way when passing a restaurant the door flew open and hit me in the face and knocked me over. My grandchildren were screaming and being extremely brave I was saying I am ok with blood running down my face. I could not go to hospital as we would have missed our plane. We had had a terrible journey out as when we arrived at Leeds Bradford Airport we were told it was closed and flights were going from Manchester. Cutting a very long story short we eventually got a taxi (no transport laid on) and that cost us £300 with next to no hope of that being refunded. We made it having to run the length of the airport and we were last on the plane. What a relief. Back to me with my bloody face. Staff at the restaurant who had been speaking English suddenly found they could not and reverted to Spanish. Yesterday was the first day I have been out as I had a black eye, big cut down my cheek, Fat and bloody lip and big bruise down my chin and neck. Swollen and bruised knee appeared later and my hand painful. so no golf but I am looking more like me so I can go out and not look like Phantom of the Opera. Dentist visit today to repair broken tooth. 

Pannal Neighbourhood News is no longer as it will not be appearing in the Harrogate Advertiser as they have discontinued it.

\i have asked for a Tree Preservation Order on the two sycamore/maple trees in front of the enormous building being put up in the footprint of the Dunlopillo offices. Have had an email today asking if I would send NYC a map of where they are. Words fail me as I gave a very good description of where they are and that was a month ago. 

My lovely neighbour Derek looked after Tigs and he remarked what a big appetite she has. True she is very greedy but a very friendly cat.

Ending on a sad note as Mary my neighbour from a few doors up has sadly died. Poor Mary was recovering from a fall so it was a shock to us all. Our sympathy to David and their sons.