Friday, 15 December 2023

Happy Christmas Pannal

I was all ready to go to the Carols on the Green when Michael and Helen arrived. It was his birthday and they had spend the weekend in Robin Hood's Bay and decided to call in on me on their way home to the Lakes and brought a birthday cake so that was lovely.
Michael and I had been to Scarborough a couple of weekends before for the day and the sea was very big waves over the prom on north beach so we sat in a lovely cafe and watched people leaping out of the way. One poor man got completely soaked. We had a careful walk along the prom and one lad coming towards us had to do an amazing jump and Michael said that was a big jump and the lad said yes not bad for a fat lad like me I surprised myself. We then went to Peashome Park for a lovely light show.

Up my end of Pannal we have had the gas people out once again, Have had them very regularly for the past seven years for a gas leak and it is always in the same place where the old post box used to be at the top of Main Street on the left hand side. My poor neighbours had their windows open so the gas leak must have got into the house. A very big hole was dug, barriers went up, traffic lights put up. Amazing the speed of some cars racing to get through on green. Much much more than the 20 limit. 
Today I saw the notice that Station Road on the bridge will be closed for a couple of days from the 20th December. Shall have to find out is the notice just on the bridge or is the closure from where the notice is. Interesting wonder what everyone will do that do not live here but use us a a short cut to get to the Leeds Road and onwards. Hope they have all seen the notice and taken note especially as Pannal Primary School does not close for the Christmas holidays until Friday the 22nd. 

Well I have posted all my cards and delivered round the village and got some shopping in. Having baked the Christmas cake and all the baking in the freezer and purchased Santa's presents etc. All done as I had to have a big tooth out as a result of my accident in Palma. At the dentists I thought my head was leaving my shoulders but no it was ok and I survived. Still a bit painful but I will live. 
Tigs bit happier now as we have not had rain for about three days. 

All I need to do now is wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a much better New Year. I love Christmas but I always find the New Year a bit sad. All take care.