Has been a glorious week. I remember years ago when we had a couple of weeks of hot sunny weather an elderly lady in front of me complained and said "it is too hot for me" and the Postmistress said "well take off your bloody vest".
When I put - for how long - I meant when school breaks up are we going to have a lovely peaceful summer? I wonder? Could be that the pavements will be dug up and new gas pipes laid taking the opportunity of there being no school traffic. We certainly do need new pipes as most years we have the workmen here for weeks on end. Hopefully it will put a stop to that but then as soon as night follows day the water company will come and dig up the roads again.
The mighty conifer hedge has gone from near me. The pavement is now passable and it certainly looks so much nicer. I now have the view from my window looking down Main Street to Lydia Cottage. A view I have not seen since the 1980s. Next year I will have been sixty years in my bungalow. So pleased I am the Pannal historian and able to note down all the changes. On Wednesday July 24th at 2.30pm I am giving a talk with slides in the Chapter House at St Robert's Church Pannal after a walk round the churchyard where I will be talking of a very special exciting occasion a few years ago that I was involved in. Plus tea/coffee and biscuits before or after my talk I do not know when as yet. I do enjoy talking about Pannal as so many people who come to my talks say they have never been. They have seen it many a time passing on the bus or car but did not know what was down here.
Hopefully this will be my last visit to HDH as my cataract op was not as brilliant a I had hoped it would be. Well as everyone said it would be. Very disappointing and the next person that says to me "well I could see immediately and it was wonderful so clear etc" I will punch them. I spoke to my optician and he said "I have been an optician for over thirty years and it is not always like that. Everyone is different and with some it takes time". So I am being positive and perhaps will not punch people.
Tigs is so happy so have me around. Funny she never got on with Marble. Marble was a strange little cat I was told she was feral so she was her own person but she was quite affectionate (sometimes) with me but I think Tigs does miss her. Tigs and me this weather suits us both.