Thanks to John Mann our local Cllr we all received news of proposed development in Pannal and Burn Bridge. - south of and .behind Walton Park on the east side of the A61, south of Smithy Close and west of the A61,Burn Bridge Road, Hillfoot Lane, Hilltop Lane, Rossett Green Lane, adjacent to Ashville College, Church Lane. Just think of all the traffic that will come through Pannal. It just goes to show how Pannal was loved by HBC and now NYC - I think not. I have always said if they could put a prison or a Borstal here they would have done so. Pannal is a Village of that we are all proud but if the "powers that be" get their way we will not be. The west side of Harrogate has had more than their fare share of housing. Probably not everyone will agree with me but this is my view.
I have lived here in 2026 sixty years and in those far off days we had a great variety of birds. Lapwings a large number, Thrush, a number of Blackbirds, Starlings ,Wagtails and occasionally other visitors all in our gardens, and in the Quarry Owls, Woodpeckers, Pheasants, Rooks. Also Bats who nested in the Larch trees that fronted our gardens, Now all we have are a few sparrows and tits ,some rooks that nest in the large trees in the garden of the Old Schoolhouse. lots of magpies and pigeons. Having said all this, during covid with hardly any cars about we could hear birdsong but never saw many birds.
I was reading the other day mention from the Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council re Woodcock Hill.. We all knew where that was as there was a sign at the top of Main Street that said Woodcock Hill but that was removed a few years ago and one saying Spring Lane was put up. Would be nice to see the Woodcock Hill sign re-instated or Woodcock Hill leading to Spring Lane. I have passed these thoughts onto the P&BBPC
Is Spring nearly here? Tigs seems to think so as she is spending more time in the garden instead of trying all the seats in the lounge to find the one most comfortable. She also says she cannot now be bothered chasing birds. Tigs and Marble were never much good anyway. Do remember Tigs brought a rabbit through the cat flap to me and I put it in the Quarry and she brought the same rabbit back twice more. I ended up getting the car out and taking the rabbit up to the top of the Valley Gardens.