Sunday, 31 May 2020

Pannal and the Rocket

Last night I went out twice to see the two man Rocket launched from America. First time nothing second time at 10.17pm I saw the rocket. It was going from west to east and was clearly visible although far away. It was darkish on the ground but light clear sky and I was able to see its lights. That is trying not to fall over the cat as she kept trying to go under my feet. Do not want another fall. I am on the mend with my ribs. still cannot take deep breaths or carry weights on my right side but getting there. Try not to break ribs because next to toothache and earache this is very painful. Spent the first night in the chair but have now made it to the bed. Being careful not to turn to quickly.
Well I think we have had our last Thursday of clapping the NHS but also us for being so good. Self isolating and obeying instructions.My neighbours are suggesting that until we are fully out of lockdown we should carry on meeting at 8pm on a Thursday as long as we have nice nights. Good idea.  The weather has indeed helped it has been wonderful. Hopefully I might be able to see some of my family at a safe distance. I said for them to pretend they were Estate Agents and come into the house but I do not think they will wear that suggestion.
I have been doing my shopping with Steve at the Post Office as his fruit and veg is lovely and I very often meet villagers doing the same. Also Coop very handy. Thank goodness we have both these shops and thank goodness we have the Crimple Valley it has been a life saver for me. Although now getting difficult to cross the Leeds Road to carry on the walk as traffic back and why they have to speed along that part of the road I cannot think.They race to get in front of one another then have to slow down as it is a 30 zone.
Must admit people are a lot nicer now everyone speaks or waves. Do hope that continues as I always have spoken when I am passing people in the village even when I do not know them. Probably because I have lived here for fifty five years and everyone spoke. Especially on a Saturday morning when we all went up to the butchers. Ken Walker was 90 last week. We keep in touch. Who remembers the lovely surprise party Shirley Wilson and I and all the village gave Ken when he retired?
I have hardly been in the house these past months. Been in the garden with the cats. Last night came in to the house, cats followed me and jumped on top of the dresser. Where have their manners gone?  We are all turning feral. All still stay safe.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Pannal me and isolation

Like everyone I have been so good. Having my walk and gardening. Last week I went to post a letter and it was a nice evening so I thought I shall have a walk in the Crimple Valley. Shall I. No I shall go home. No I shall go a walk. Went over the Leeds Road onwards and thought I shall go up through the woods and down the Follifoot Road to the Public Footpath and home. Going through the woods something caught round my ankle and as I was in mid  step I came crashing down. Honestly just like a felled tree.  Oh it was sore and I winded myself. Lay there for a minute. Got up thought I am ok so walked back home. Came in made a cup of tea sat down . My legs started shaking I went to get up found I could not move for the pain. I eventually did manage to get off the chair. Had a dreadful night so painful.All down my right side and back.See I was in two minds about walking and this is what happened. Need not have done as I was very half hearted about going. Made the wrong decision. Hey ho.   My children said for God sake Mum call the Doctor. I eventually did and he said I am not going to send you to the hospital or the surgery I will ask you some questions and ask you to move. Conclusion I have broken some ribs. Strong pain killers prescribed. Dr said  I have done them now and they are at the chemist ring them. I rang Day Lewis, told them what had happened and that I could not get out. They were so good and said we shall deliver them to you straight away. Bit longer in isolation for me. The Golf Course is open I cannot play, I cannot do much gardening. My neighbours are brilliant helping me. I want to try and do some walking. Only thing I cannot do is carrying anything on my right side. So remembering when we all had children to carry I am using my left side. I will get there but it is a nuisance.
When we had our VE Day Celebrations I sent some photographs that were taken to the Harrogate Advertiser as they had asked me to send them. Did they print them no they did not. They printed 3 photos of the same street and another 3 photos of another street in Harrogate. Well it is called the Harrogate Advertiser they have probably never heard of Pannal.
 SCD Nynet have gone from Main |Street laying cables. If this was for quicker connections it is not working. We have noticed no difference, slow as ever. I thought all firms had to abide by Health and Safety Rules but the workmen were using drills creating a lot of dust and they had no protection no goggles or face masks.Also I had over my wall a jumper. a shirt and what looked like a pair of trousers.They were there all night. Question what did he wear to go home? Sorry can't answer that one. Also Pannal Green they dug a trench right across where the daffodils are. Such a shame if they do not come up next year.
Wonder if we are still clapping on a Thursday at 8pm I clap for NHS but I also clap for us as we are all being brilliant.
Poor Tigs and Marble cannot sit on my knee at the moment too painful and when they try to I say no and they just look at me and say WHAT.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Pannal and VE Day

Having lived in the same house in Pannal nearly all my life 55 years - where has the time gone? I know nearly everyone but not everyone knows everyone but going out to clap on a Thursday at 8pm has brought people together. I thought ok I shall put notes through all my neighbours letter boxes asking them to come out on Friday 8th May VE Day with a drink - beer, spirits, wine soft drinks tea if you fancy and we would all meet up Main Street and this end of Rosedale and if they agreed to give me the thumbs up when we met on the Thursday 7th. Overwhelming thumbs up. So I put out the flags I had including my Yorkshire and Scotland ones wandered down the drive with my glass of beer and everyone came out. It was really lovely. I introduced people who did not know each other. The evening was a brilliant success and I had so many messages from neighbours saying thank you we really enjoyed it. Thursdays now we will all gather and we will all know each other. Friendships will have been made and hopefully kept after lock down ends. Whenever that will be. A thought I had no matter what one thinks of Margaret Thatcher she was a scientist same as Angels Merkle and I think we would have fared better. Boris was too complacent to start with.With hindsight the virus and isolation will be looked back on and oh yes it will be decided UK could have done better.This is not like the Second World War. This is unheard of and the virus is world wide and very very scary. At least in the war there was entertainment and pubs and restaurants were open and we had Winston Churchill saying we will win and the moral was high. I do not remember the War but my Dad who was a War hero having many medals and being decorated - DSM (Distinguished Service Medal) -by King George VI started as a boy seaman and was in the Royal Navy for 22 years being in many battles and very nearly loosing his life on many an occasion. He Passed over the Bar ( Naval parlance for died) in Harrogate and had a Military Funeral with the sailors of HMS Forest Moor in attendance. Mum meanwhile like many Mums at home looking after children and dreading THE telegram coming.We survived and we will survive again against this unseen enemy. Obey the rules and stay safe. When I clap on a Thursday I clap not only for the NHS but more so for us, our children and grandchildren. We are all being brilliant.So give yourselves a clap.
We are all loving the lack of traffic in the village. We can all hear bird song. Everyone speaks to everyone else and smiles. This has come out of lock down and it is wonderful. Long may that continue. Lack of traffic won't and everyone is dreading that.
Howard West who is Chairman of Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council has finished writing his bit in the Harrogate Advertiser about Pannal but I have heard that a lady in Burn Bridge has taken the column over.
Tigs and Marble love me being at home and when we go out to clap they come too. They wander down the drive to see everyone. They are turning more like dogs every day. They even follow me down the village when I go to post a letter.
WE shall have big celebrations when this is over. Watch this space.....