Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Pannal we are back

 On March 1st Yorkshire Water are coming to dig up the road again this I was informed by telephone. Reason I know is because I "drew to their attention for the second time the water leak on the pavement between my neighbour and myself". Reason I did so was because a gentleman came to my door and said I do not know if that water leak on the pavement belongs to you or your neighbour. I said neither of us. It is when cables were being put in a water pipe was damaged. He said I take my dog out in the very early mornings when it is dark and I slid on it. I said I will report it again and this was a couple of weeks ago and still the water comes out and runs down the road and as I said they did phone me to say date to be fixed 1st March. 

I have had a lovely weekend as it was my birthday and the children (I have four) pulled out all the stops and I had some lovely presents which I had told then not to do. Holiday booked which was a surprise. 

One day went to Fountains Abbey and it was crowded as it was half term for some. Not Pannal that is next week and also my grandchildren who are coming up as their half term is next week. Too crowded for us so we went a walk elsewhere. Very pleasant but very muddy and windy in places. It is so nice to see one's children and grandchildren especially when they do not live anywhere near. I love it living in Pannal I have the lovely Crimple Valley to walk and so many other places near. We are so lucky living in Yorkshire. The first lockdown in March was fantastic I walked the Crimple Valley every day up to and un der the Viaduct and I never tired of it.  Leeds Road the A61 was so quiet no cars one could just saunter across the road which we have never been able to do and I suppose will never be able to do again. 

I have been asked to see if I have any photographs or writings of all the decades that our Queen has reigned. That should be fun to do and I will enjoy doing it. I also suggested to the Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council that we should have a big "street party" on Crimple Meadows in June and if wet Pannal Memorial Institute.So we shall see what comes of that. Let us hope that being told we no longer have to wear a mask will not result in another lockdown. I shall continue to wear a mask when I am shopping.

Tigs and Marble have intimated that they do not like this rain. I have told them they are not alone. I was up at 5 o'clock this morning. Now I thought that drinking Posecco would have made me sleep but it did the opposite but I did have the joy of hearing the dawn chorus and also being quite surprised to see so many dog walkers out.