I have lived in Pannal for most of my life and have a great love for the village. Over the years I have written three books about Pannal: A History of Pannal, Postcards from Pannal and A Centenary History of Pannal Golf Club 1906-2006.
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Pannal goings on
Well we have, at last, a crossing patrol lady who takes the children to and from school. Thank goodness someone has taken this job on as Main Street in the mornings and when school comes out is a nightmare. Cars are everywhere and not all the mothers are polite. We have had out drive blocked and when we remonstrated with the woman all we got was I am taking my child to school followed by f... off and this is not the first time this has happened. Seems a bit better at the moment as the head teacher was informed and she "had words" with the parents. What we have now and for the next six weeks is Station Road closed as a water main is being replaced. There is a meeting in Pannal Memorial Hall on Tuesday where we shall be informed what the diversions are. Not looking forward to this at all as I only live two minutes away from Pannal GC and the diversion (all roads off Station Road are dead ends) the only road is Rosedale which will now mean a two mile diversion for us all. Hope our new shop is not too badly hit. It has been suggested just closing one side of the road, putting traffic lights both ends and letting cars go up and down but that is probably too simple a solution!! The other news is The Harewood is closed for, it says on the notice on the door, refurbishment which we all hope it is and it will not close down. Who knows these days when pubs are closing down so fast.