Thursday, 20 September 2012

Pannal shops query

After my bit about all the shops that Pannal used to have I had an email from a lady who said she had visited Pannal with a walking group completely missed the one and only shop/post office (it is possibly to do that as if one comes into Pannal from Pannal Bank you do not see it) and was amazed to find there was no place to get a drink or sandwich she thought we would have had a little co-op!! Beer festival this weekend at St Robert's church. Sounds a strange place to have a beer festival but there you are.  A few years back it would have been great fun but would not really do the beers justice now. Been up to The Harwood and it is still the same as regards decor but seemed a bit friendlier from the bar staff. Pannal has certainly changed. Been here nearly 50 years ( a mere child when we came) In those days there used to be so many people walking around of an evening and stopping for a chat not so now. Everyone seems to be in cars. Wonder if that is what it is or the weather - not many balmy evenings for the last few years - or younger people moving in and not really interested in their surroundings. Road works hopefully being cleared now. At least we can get in and out of the village. Horror of horrors they dumped all their heavy equipment on top of the daffodils we planted. Be interesting to see if they do come up in the spring.