Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Pannal bits and pieces

I have been told by my computer guru (our Richard) that readers can leave comments on my blogs. Do hope so as it would be nice to hear from everyone.
A very large pantechnicon came down the village last week. Not supposed to but we thought that once again he and others like him had missed the entrance to the business park. He sat in his cab quite a long time then reversed down Rosedale and up the village. Was it a sat nav direction through Pannal? Anyway we were going up the village and there he was surrounded by police and he was taken boxes out the back of his vehicle. What was going on?
On Saturday I took my eight year old grandson to the Christmas Fair of the Cats Protection League in Harrogate. We parked down the bottom of Tewit Well Road and walked across The Stray. A young well built man in front of us had a dog. His dog did its business on the path and he took a bag out of his pocket and I thought well done. But not so he laid the Morrisons bag on top of the poo and walked away. I said to Alex I am not saying anything as he might turn round and punch us. Alex said he would not punch me as I am only small but I can hold your bags whilst he punches you. What I kind thoughtful boy he is turning out to be.
Trying to get the Christmas lights on the trees as the strong winds at the beginning of this year blew them down and destroyed them. Hopefully all will be well and Pannal Green shall be lit up once more.  Also very much involved with Sandy Bank Quarry of which more later.


  1. Thanks for keeping us up to date with all the news !

    I am waiting to hear more on the quarry !


  2. That made me laugh what your grandson said!


I would love to hear any comments that you have.