Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Pannal and another book

I am going to write another book about Pannal. What it was like as a village with village shops, The two wars right up until now how it has changed. My other two books on Pannal are now out of print so it is about time we had another. I wrote the first ever books on Pannal. Over the years I have found out so much about this area. I am the Pannal historian and the Pannal Golf Club historian. It has changed over the years would we say for the better I will leave that up to you. I remember when Harpers had the farm on Main Street and the cows used to be driven up or down the village. One time they decided not to walk down the road but to come down through our gardens that was when none of the houses had a stone wall and a pavement our front gardens went right out to the edge of the pavement and we all had larch trees there until a compulsory purchase order by Harrogate Borough Council took part of our garden and felled all the trees in order to have the pavement and the road widened. There was also the time a vast swarm of bees descended on our houses and covered the front windows. The Queen bee was eventually found by the bee keeper and harmony was restored. Another event that happened when Rosedale was built people from the Main Street end together with people from part of Main Street after their evening meal used to have a walk down to the church and back again stopping to have conversations with each other. This of course was on summer evenings. This event only carried on for a couple of years but was very pleasant and a way of getting to know your neighbours.
So there we are a topic for next year. I find this village very interesting and I hope I can convey that to you all.
Tigs and Marble are trying to convey to me how fed up they are with this weather. Yes they are getting through and I agree with them.
Had our Christmas lunch at the Golf Club today which, as always, was a very nice "do"
Compliments of the season. Enjoy your Christmas with your families.. All my family will be here which is very lovely.A Happy peaceful and healthy New Year to us all.

Monday, 2 December 2019

Pannal at Christmas

The lights on the trees on Pannal Green are so lovely this year. Now on the two Christmas trees as well. It was many years ago when I was on the committee of the Pannal Village Society ( now gone) that I asked at one of the public meetings wouldn't it be great to have some fairy lights on the Green at Christmas. This idea was quickly taken up and the money came from a very generous donor. as had the money to put the two fir trees on the green from another very generous donor. I know who they are but no one else does as they wanted to remain unknown. Harrogate Borough Council's Bob Stirzaker (the lights man) could not have been more helpful and from meeting him that first time we became friends and my husband and myself and Bob and his wife all met up one New Year's evening at Ripon torchlight procession which we had been attending for many many years and we saw the New Year in with them and all the hundreds in Ripon Market Square. The lights that we had then were the lights that our parents had then came LED's cheaper to run and much prettier. Our old lights went outside Pannal Memorial Hall. Shall have to check this year to see if they are still being used.

The other night I went to a talk at the Royal Pump Room Museum for the launching of Malcolm Neesam's latest book. I have known Malcolm for a very long time and we are great friends. He dedicated his first book in the series Harrogate in 50 Buildings to me and also featured my being Chairman of the Friends of the Valley Gardens for 22 years. His second book was launched A~Z of Harrogate and I am in it also. Fame will not go to my head. Whilst at Malcolm's talk I sat next to Frances Williams a Pannal lady who surprised me by saying she read my blogs.

I have taken advantage of this dry weather (expect we all have) of clearing the garden. Thank goodness for a spell of dry weather and not the constant rain.So much clearing up to do but I have got on well with the front garden can tackle the back now which is much much bigger but probably wait until after Christmas for that. All my family coming up as usual four children, their partners and the grandchildren who are young enough to appreciate Santa coming. A magic time and I love it.A lot of work cooking (always have to do my own Christmas cake, big trifle and clootie dumpling they are musts) Everyone is so busy arn't we.

Have now sold 700 of a Souvenir Guide to the Valley Gardens, Harrogate. Did a walk and talk for a lovely lady Kerry Morrison whose daughter had a new heart and kidney 25 years ago and Kerry invited all who had had transplants to coffee and cakes at the Mercer Gallery, then our walk and talk round the Valley Gardens then lunch at St. Mark's Church. I did not know of this arrangement. Every Wednesday lunch is provided with foodstuff that all the big stores have not sold. It was amazing and all done by volunteers. In all it was a lovely day. A tribute to those very brave people who have had transplants.

If I do not manage to write another blog before Christmas I will wish you a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year. Might see some of you at Carols round the trees on Pannal Green.