Friday 23 October 2020

Pannal achievements with love

Now this is not boasting but I was only thinking today of how much I love living here. So in 1969 with all the building going on Rosedale, Rosedale Close and the demolition of the beautiful Rosehurst. I thought about the trees and how could I protect them. I had never done anything like this before so I rang up the Forestry Commission and a lovely man called Mr King came to see me and we walked round (Me pushing the pram with dog at the side) and we mapped out all the trees we thought were important. I sent it to Mr Hoyle the Borough solicitor and he agreed and so the very first tree preservation order for Harrogate was born. TPO No 1 Pannal 1969. Then some years later Dr Kellner's house just off Westminster Drive, Burn Bridge the owners put in a p/a to have it demolished and houses built on the site. I thought no so put a very good case forward for its retention and it was granted a reprieve .I unfortunately could not save Spacey Houses PH as I had written to HBC to try to when in the middle of one night/very early morning Punch Taverns who owned it sent workmen to take the roof off and that was the end of a very old Hotel which had been used as a meeting place for the Captain and Committee of Pannal Golf Club when they were formed in 1906 and before they had their Clubhouse built. Then Spacey Houses Farm and buildings were in danger of being razed to the ground as HBC owned it and I had such a lot of opposition from Councillors but I contacted English Heritage and persuaded them to send someone up. Took a lot of persuading but he eventually came and said it was not a wasted journey as it was one of the best ancient farmhouse and buildings, barns etc that he had seen so that was saved. I then got in touch with Batchelor the Builders and said they were, in my opinion, good sympathetic builders were they interested and yes they were. Saved Sandy Bank Quarry and had it made a SINC and Crimple Valley behind St Robert's Church which I think we will always have to protect as it is also owned by HBC and considering they want a light industry site on the other part of the Valley we shall always have to protect it. When I look at Pannal Village we have so little green spaces now that what we do have we must look after.  I became Chairman of The Harrogate Society then I formed the Friends of the Valley Gardens and was the first Chairman in order to save the Sun Pavilion which HBC wanted to demolish to build a car park. I can look back on these achievements and just thank goodness I had a very supportive husband who was always there for me. I trained as a journalist which was a great help as I knew my way around but it was my success with the Tree Preservation Orders that set me on this path. One other success was with the help of the villagers the stocks were replaced. I still look after the little patio garden by St Robert and now I shall have to pick up all the leaves but I shall wait until they are all down. I wrote the first book ever written The History of Pannal followed by Postcards from Pannal with the help and kindness of the villagers who were very generous sharing their village history and photographs with me. My new book Pannal and Burn Bridge will be out soon. I am always here to help people who write/email me or come to the door. I have helped two people last week with Pannal queries. I am Pannal Golf Club Historian having written their Centenary Book which fortunately they loved . As I said I am here and willing to, if I can. help or answer questions about Pannal and Burn Bridge places and people. 

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