Wednesday, 6 March 2013

A walk around Pannal

I did my talk for the Rossett Lectures and it went down well. There was about 130 people there (so I am told) and there were a number of questions asked which I managed to answer. One of these days someone will ask me a question I cannot answer but it has not happened yet. The only time I was ever stumped for an answer was when a lady asked me if I could trace Great- aunt Bertha who once lived in Pannal in the 1900s and I asked what her second name was to be told "Oh you have got me there, I don't know."  I really enjoy doing my lectures as I meet some lovely people and everyone says it is not like a lecture where the speaker just talks it is like being talked to by a friend. That is the way I like it as anyone who likes or is interested in my stories of Pannal people and places are friends.
The Ward Bros (Forward Investments) are putting in an application to build on the old Dunlopillo site. Pannal Memorial Hall are holding an exhibition of their plans on 19th March. Be interesting to see what they come up with this time.

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