Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Pannal in the News

The old Dunlop Latex Foam site is in the news again. It was on the front page of the Harrogate Advertiser and I was quoted. Did not see the article as I do not subscribe to the paper anymore as I think it is very downmarket now.  Wonder how divided the village will be having been to the public consultation. It seems to be inevitable that something houses/light industry will be there. If built the way in will be from the A61 via a roundabout across Green Belt land and in front of the houses on Spacey View. Apart from the Green Belt problem there is also the other problem that the road will run all the way through the site and out onto Station Road, Pannal thus creating a rat run. Traffic going out along Burn Bridge Road to the A61 dice with death so this will give them the means to drive through the Dunlop site (past houses and shops) and onto the A61 via the roundabout. Poor Pannal village Main Street and Station Road. Can Pannal Primary School absorb all the new pupils? They will receive money from the developers will they lose their playing fields to more buildings? A testing time for Pannal and its inhabitants.
Heard that there was an accident on Church Lane whilst we were away between two cars and the bus and a passenger was hurt.
Also the news that Banjo has died. Banjo was the little white donkey that was in the field at the top of Church Lane. He was supposed to be involved, as usual, in the Palm Sunday procession but was found dead in his stall. I have a photo of him that I took when he was a bit younger
Wish you all a Happy Easter and thanks to all who sent me used stamps.


I would love to hear any comments that you have.