Thursday 26 March 2020

Pannal Pandemic or Panic

Has Pannal gone through something like this before. Answer yes The Black Death when the Vicar of Pannal died but for us this is unheard of. Pandemic they (the powers that be) say we have not reached that yet. Very scary. Panic well beginning of last week before we were all told to self isolate car after car after car coming off the A61 and into the Coop. I saw them as I was walking around then thought I could do with some milk so went in. No milk, no bread, no fruit, toilet paper do not understand that one. Now of course we are all self isolating. Good job we all have freezers and had been keeping them stocked - in case the family come unexpected and need to be fed - not hoarding. What is wrong with people? Good job the weather is lovely and we can get out in the garden and our once a day walk.
Having listened, as we all have over the years, to Churchill's speeches Boris is no Churchill. I just hope he knows what he is doing.
The Golf Course is closed Club House and Course. We have all paid a very large sum of money to be members and play the course so it looks like that is all wasted money. There are many worse off than being a member of a golf course but I am writing about Pannal.
Now a couple of weeks ago the kids were here and they left a bowl of raisins and nuts that they did not eat. It was in the kitchen and what possessed me to shove a nut in my face I do not know when I do not even like nuts but I broke a bottom tooth. I was due this week to have it repaired (it can be saved but how) when I received the phone call appointment cancelled. Aaagghh. Good job self isolation in some ways.
We are allowed one daily walk so I have been going to quiet places (I know a lot) Crimple Valley one of them. There might be dog walkers there but it is big enough for everyone to avoid contact. The footpath straight across is fine. Bits still wet and a need to deviate but ok. I did notice that the fence alongside the River Crimple was broken in some places and it is a designated footpath and at one end completely impassable because bushes have been allowed to grow (large and thorny ones). When this virus is over and it will be shall have to get in touch with relevant people. If you would like to also report it John Mann our local councillor and HBC and probably NYCC are the ones in charge.
Main objective is everyone stay safe and we will beat this.
Now if I had dogs they would be saying oh how lovely you being with us we love you so. Cats why are you at home all day? 

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