Tuesday 20 February 2018

Important meeting at Pannal

Saturday 24th February is the date from 9am to 4pm there will be information on what is happening to Pannal. There are obviously villagers like me who have lived here a long time (me 52 years) and remember the green fields before Crimple Meadows, Walton Park and Pannal Green housing.Even where I live was a field belonging to Walter Hustler who lived at Rosehurst. A beautiful house that was demolished in 1967. I remember it very well it and its beautiful grounds where Rosedale houses now are.  I am happy with what we have but I honestly think enough is enough. What do we have left if the Crimple Valley is built upon. All those greenfields gone and as for the traffic we shall not be able to cope. It is bad enough now there have been times when we in Main Street have found it difficult to get in and out of our houses. There will be housing on the old Dunlopillo site and if the Ward Bros get their way there will be housing on the green belt that stretches from their housing site at Dunlopillo all the way to Buttersyke Bar. We need the Crimple Valley both sides of the A61 as a green lung that separates us from Harrogate and also leaves us somewhere to walk and use for recreation.
Will we win this fight I do not know as Harrogate Borough Council seem determined to put as much housing and light industry in Pannal as they can but we can have a show of force and try to protect what we hold dear. That is if you agree with my views. Come to the meeting on the 24th and put your objections in. Pannal needs all the help it can get.
I also know the numpty that put forward the suggestion of making Spring Lane (Woodcock Hill) from its junction with Rosedale to the top of Main Street into one way. Enough said.
Keep Pannal separate we do not want to be joined onto Harrogate. We are an ancient village Harrogate is not. We want to keep our identity. Only the people of Pannal can fight these proposals. WE STAND ALONE.

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