I have lived in Pannal for most of my life and have a great love for the village. Over the years I have written three books about Pannal: A History of Pannal, Postcards from Pannal and A Centenary History of Pannal Golf Club 1906-2006.
Friday, 15 December 2023
Happy Christmas Pannal
Thursday, 16 November 2023
All Pannal
Having tidied up the Patio by St Robert's Church I am now waiting until all the leaves fall as it was a massive job last week clearing what was there. I am still suffering from a wrist problem after my accident in Palma but I can manage if I take my time but unfortunately no golf as yet.
Have heard that the Chairman Howard West of Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council is leaving the village and going to be near his daughters and grandchildren. I wish him well.
Shall share this with you as I as very pleased when it was sent to me by the Harrogate Civic Society. It was send to Heritage Open Days It is anonymous but thank you for taking the time to write it: " I really enjoyed Anne's tour of my village. I have lived here for three years but knew nothing of the history, often wondered about certain buildings etc. Anne is so passionate about the village and the area, she shared funny anecdotes as well as lots of historical facts bringing the history of the village and it's people to life. Very interesting tour and talk from such a knowledgeable local historian and resident of the village. We learned a huge amount about this village which is close to where we live, but we soon realised we knew so little about it".
Pannal Neighbourhood News which is now missing from the Harrogate Advertiser will be on line and can now be read on a Wednesday.
Another kindness was when my little cat died on it way to the vet I went into Cold Bath Deli and when I received my coffee I said to the two girls serving I am cheering myself up because my little cat has just died. The girls came back to my table and gave me a little card which said sending our love from Cold Bath Deli and have a coffee on us and a little drawn heart. That was really kind.
Wednesday, 8 November 2023
Pannal and beyond
Beyond first. I went to Palma with my second son and his family and we all had a lovely time. Sun, sand and good food. Unfortunately or fortunately it was on our last day on the island we decided to go to Palma and spend some time on the beach as it was nearer the airport as we had holidayed in the north east of the island. A very beautiful area with lovely beaches. Our villa was on its own with a very very large garden and a pool. We also had the company of three very tiny kittens and their Mum and a big bruiser of a cat that we think was the father. All very timid but we fed them and we were all delighted that they came nearer and nearer to us. My two grandchildren were very pleased to have them visit us. Must be said so was I as I like all animals apart from cows. Arriving in Palma we discovered the beach and long promenade was chock a block with young Germans who it must be said were loud and noisy and some of them the worse for ware and it was only 11am. We decided to walk to the end of the prom out of their way when passing a restaurant the door flew open and hit me in the face and knocked me over. My grandchildren were screaming and being extremely brave I was saying I am ok with blood running down my face. I could not go to hospital as we would have missed our plane. We had had a terrible journey out as when we arrived at Leeds Bradford Airport we were told it was closed and flights were going from Manchester. Cutting a very long story short we eventually got a taxi (no transport laid on) and that cost us £300 with next to no hope of that being refunded. We made it having to run the length of the airport and we were last on the plane. What a relief. Back to me with my bloody face. Staff at the restaurant who had been speaking English suddenly found they could not and reverted to Spanish. Yesterday was the first day I have been out as I had a black eye, big cut down my cheek, Fat and bloody lip and big bruise down my chin and neck. Swollen and bruised knee appeared later and my hand painful. so no golf but I am looking more like me so I can go out and not look like Phantom of the Opera. Dentist visit today to repair broken tooth.
Pannal Neighbourhood News is no longer as it will not be appearing in the Harrogate Advertiser as they have discontinued it.
\i have asked for a Tree Preservation Order on the two sycamore/maple trees in front of the enormous building being put up in the footprint of the Dunlopillo offices. Have had an email today asking if I would send NYC a map of where they are. Words fail me as I gave a very good description of where they are and that was a month ago.
My lovely neighbour Derek looked after Tigs and he remarked what a big appetite she has. True she is very greedy but a very friendly cat.
Ending on a sad note as Mary my neighbour from a few doors up has sadly died. Poor Mary was recovering from a fall so it was a shock to us all. Our sympathy to David and their sons.
Monday, 16 October 2023
Pannal and my little cat
I know a lot of people do not like cars but I do and my two cats are lovely gentle creatures and quite loving. Well my little one Marble looked very poorly on Sunday. I could not get an appointment with the vet until 2pm. I put her in her basket and I left at 1pm and I was stuck on Parliament Street for thirty minutes with temporary traffic lights and poor little Marble died whilst I was stuck there. I carried on to my vet at Crab Lane and they confirmed she had gone. I was all shaky on my journey back and I felt so sad. She had been blind for two years but knew her way around the garden. I suppose seventeen is a very good age for a cat but I miss her. Tigs I do not think does but when I came back home she followed me around all the time. Everywhere I went she was behind me. Tigs will be my last animal as we have had dogs and then cats and it is so very sad when they go as they were a big part of our lives.
From sad news to I hope good news as the Country Park in the Crimple Valley I proposed is still on the cards and will be discussed within the Local Plan which is being looked at now. We do need this as every political party wants to build millions more houses.We definitely do need to keep our green space in PANNAL AS WHO KNOWS WHAT WILL HAPPEN HERE IN THE FUTURE.
Hopefully in this week's Harrogate Advertiser there will be an article about the awful "multi storey car park thing" that is flats built on the footprint of the now demolished Dunlopillo Headquarters. I was also asked by the owner of a house that can see "these flats" if I could have a Tree Preservation Order put on the two sycamore trees that partially cover the flats which she can see from her lounge window. Hopefully North Yorkshire Council will do this. I have also asked the Harrogate Advertiser to print a photo of what these flats will look like as I could not find anything on the internet.
Welcome to my new neighbours Sheila and David. Well welcome here but not to Pannal as they have lived for many years on Rossett Green Lane.
I am still getting queries from people re their ancestors who have lived here in the past or buried in St Robert's Churchyard and people just wanting to know about Pannal its history and its buildings. I am happy to answer all their queries . One query I had was from two ladies looking up at the Church one of them said to me"Is this the Village Institute?" I said no its a church. "Well where is the Institute then?" I told them politely. .
Friday, 6 October 2023
Pannal and Award
My lovely neighbour Shirley Holberry died a few weeks ago. She lived next door to me and was a good neighbour, in her nineties always very smart and well dressed. I now have new neighbours who come from Rossett Green Lane where they lived for a good number of years. So welcome David and Sheila.and I am sure you will be very happy here as they are surrounded by lovely people. I will include myself in this just in case no one else does.
Have not been able to walk one of my favourite walks - Crimple Valley - as it is soggy with all the rain we have had and as I am still in summer clothes its a no go area. Hopefully we shall have a dry spell and I can get back there again. I especially love it in the spring/summer when all the buttercups are out and I found two orchids this year. These fields used to be a wildflower paradise. Who remembers the cows and then the sheep on there when Mr Harper owned the farm (now gone). Also the Taylors.
I had some very exciting news as I had a phone call to tell me I had been put forward for a Local Hero Award at Rudding Park. I knew nothing about this and I do not know who proposed me. I am afraid I had never heard of Local Hero Awards. Probably very remiss of me. Now what the Award is for I do not know. I have done so many things since living here. First TPO (ever in Harrogate) Pannal No 1. Saving the Sun Pavilion and Colonnades,Chairman and Founder of Friends of the Valley Gardens, Chairman of the Harrogate Society, Having Spacey Houses Farm listed and various other building in Pannal being saved, writing the first ever book on Pannal followed by three more on Pannal. Or could it be for looking after the patio garden alongside St Roberts Church for many years or having new stocks built. Who knows so it will be interesting to see what happens. Has anyone ever been to one of these events? If so give me the heads up please. I did notice that the event was being sponsored by Vida Healthcare. Now they have dementia homes so I hope I am not having free passage there. .
Tigs and Marble still think it is summer and they spend their time in the garden.They do have shelter where they can go when it rains. I am not at all popular if I forget to put the door on the latch. Cats can give one filthy looks. Tigs is a very affectionate cat Marble not so but sometimes!
Sunday, 17 September 2023
Pannal Walk was fun
Friday was a lovely sunny day. We all met up in the car park of St Robert's Church and started our walk after a few introductions from Kevin who had arranged all the speakers and who is a really nice guy. He is a member of Harrogate Civic Society and they were hosting the event. I was taking a group of lovely people some from Pannal other further afield a walk round Old Pannal and it was fun and I have had some great feed back to say how much they enjoyed the walk. Very gratifying to our village. I love living in Pannal and I wanted to show everyone what I love about it. I have lived here so long and I know so many people. Unfortunately all the older people who were so helpful telling me about their time in Pannal and being very generous with sharing photos, reminiscences, and kindness. have all passed on. So I am so glad I took the time to seek them out and talk to them. Being a journalist helped and I could see that Pannal was changing. There was no Rosedale, Woodcock Close or Pannal Green and the School was at the top of Woodcock Hill/Spring Lane. This was in the 1960s and Crimple Meadows and Walton Park developments came in the 1970s. I think it is because I am a journalist, inquiring mind no plain nosey that I started taking notice of my surroundings. Then I thought I shall have to write this down and those notes became the basis of my first book A History of Pannal. Two others followed Postcards from Pannal and Pannal and Burn Bridge Their Stories. It took two years to write the massive Centenary History of Pannal Golf Club as I had to read through one year of men's minutes and one year of ladies minutes starting in 1906. It was well received and I won an award for it. Very chuffed I was as it is not a dry dusty old tome. I have a lot of humour in it and I really enjoyed writing it. I have written other books not on Pannal. Keeps me out of mischief.
I have asked North Yorkshire Council who now run Harrogate to make a Tree Preservation Order on the two Sycamore/great maple trees in front of that ghastly building on the footprint of the old demolished Dunlopillo head office. It will hide part of it from the residents who live opposite. It is a horrible building and enormous. Will it get any better we shall have to wait and see but I am not taking bets that we shall love it. Interestingly I have heard people who walk through the village when they reach Station Road from Main Street and it looms up say Good heavens what is that? Sometimes their exclamation is worse.
My daughter is recovering slowly from her attack by the cows and trampled on. She was very lucky not to have been more seriously injured.
Tigs one of my cats. Did you know Tigs is short for Tiger. I did not until someone said its from Winnie the Pooh. I did not name them Tigs and Marble as that was their names when I was press ganged into having them about sixteen years ago. Tigs is very loving Marble not so as she is descended from a feral can so the vet says. I have lovely vets and I said to the lady vet how kind she is with the cats and she said yes it is the afternoon. I am not a morning person. Not meaning she is unkind in mornings but she is better later on so she says. .
Sunday, 10 September 2023
Last call for Pannal Walk
I am taking a group round Pannal as part of Heritage Days I shall be in the car park of St Robert's Church at 1.45pm on Friday 15th September and the walk starts at 2pm for about one hour and a half. If you fancy having a walk around Old Pannal do come and join me .I shall not wear you out and we shall keep to the old parts of Pannal. I have lived here nearly sixty years. I was married in Harrogate and my four children born here and attended Pannal Primary School. So you see I like Pannal and have been very happy here and have written four books on my favourite village. First books ever written about Pannal. So just come along and perhaps you will have stories to tell me. It will be a fun talk and I look forward to meeting you. I have not restricted numbers so just come along and we shall hope for a good dry day. Parking at the car park. I have been doing walks and talks on Pannal for years but the first time for Heritage Days.
Wednesday, 30 August 2023
Pannal Heritage and Update
We have all seen the massive building that is going up on the old Dunlopillo site and I cannot say that anyone I have spoken to says it is lovely. Although we would not know as we have never seen a photo of what the finished product will be like. I was speaking to a gentleman and he said there will be 38 flats and there is talk of an underground car park. Now that must be at the rear of the building as the frontage I found out years ago belongs to a Solicitors firm in Halifax. Now whether they have sold it I do not know. Now are we the only village round and about that has a building of this height? To think we were all hoping that there would be pretty houses where the monster is. Fat chance of that ever happening.
Notice that Crimple Hall has its late weekend music "wish" granted. Will that be ok we shall have to wait and see. Interesting that our local Councillor and the Parish Council and a number of residents objected to no avail.
It will be Heritage Week starting Sunday 10th September when there will be a number of places and buildings open to the public. I am doing a walk and talk round Pannal on Friday 15th September at 2pm. I shall be in St Robert's car park ready and waiting so I do hope you will join me. I was asked to give the talk a name and I suggested A Village Walk with the Village Idiot. The organiser said he was quite taken with my suggestion but could I suggest another title. I have. I enjoy doing these walk and talks as I meet so many very interesting people. Let us all hope for a dry day as we do not want a trudge round in the rain . I shall be in the car park come what may ready for 2pm
An update on my daughter Susan. She is coming along well and she was so very lucky. If she had not been wearing a rucksack it could have been so much worse as the cows came round a hill behind her and she did not stand a chance. She would have had substantial damage to her spine but the rucksack saved her from spinal injuries. The hospital did scans and x-ray and said no bones were broken she was just battered and badly bruised and managed to crawl out of the field to the nearest house to get help. Susan said the man and woman were very kind and helped her and even came the next day to make sure she was ok. We were all meeting up in Bristol to go to The Wave (Christmas presents) but alas poor Susan will have to go at another time. They have extended her ticket when they heard what had happened. Now if you are wondering did I go the answer to that is no. Would have loved to have gone as it looked great fun and my youngest grandchild Daniel aged seven loved it. At the moment I am suffering from sciatica which comes and goes so no chance of me holding on to a surf board. Everyone loved it and are eager to go again.So another trip in the offing.
My cats were very pleased to see me back. Well Tigs was, she made such a fuss and followed me around and on two occasions I nearly fell over her. Poor Marble is blind and she did know I was not there but as they were getting fed by be lovely kind neighbour she was ok.
Wednesday, 23 August 2023
Pannal daughters terrible accident
We were all set to have a wonderful holiday. all the family. We were all meeting up in Bristol to go to The Wave. Christmas present for us all. We received a terrible phone call. My daughter Susan was in Lindisfarne and coming to Bristol from there. She was crossing a public footpath through a field when cows she had not seen, as they were behind a hill, galloped up behind her and knocked her over and trampled on her. She was badly hurt but managed to somehow escape out of the field and crawl to a nearby house and just said help me please. The couple at the house did and she went to hospital. She was amazingly lucky not to have been killed. Her rucksack saved her from spinal injuries and very fortunately she had no broken bones but was covered in bruises and in pain. She was very brave but very shaken. Still not right but getting there. You can imagine the state we were all in hearing the news. This is not a one off occurrence as cow attacks are frequent. Susan was taken by complete surprise and could no nothing to defend herself. Made us all wonder if it is because cows do not have human company. Some are milked in the field no one touching them as they are automatically fed and milked now. They see humans as strange or are a threat to them. What a horrible shock for everyone involved.
Crimple p/a for music into the early hours. There has been a number of objections as the music will be heard by a number of houses.So we shall wait and see what NYC do and hopeful the right decision will be made. Anyone ever had three appliances break down on the same day? Washing machine, cooker and fridge. I have replaced washing machine. New cooker being delivered tomorrow. Fridge will have to wait as it works a bit.
Not a cheerful blog this time. Nor a long one as I am/was a bit shaken over Susan's accident and what might have been.
Tuesday, 25 July 2023
Pannal Mystery
I have all the papers, books and photographs belonging to Pannal Ash College formerly Southern College established in 1870. Taken over by the Police Training College. When the Police announced they were leaving their Secretary Margaret Hart asked me if I would have what they had accumulated from Pannal Ash College. I did so and I have them dating back to 1920. Over the years I have had various enquiries relating to "old boys" that attended the college and I have been able to answer all their queries.
Dr Christopher Klinger from Devon came across my blog and emailed me to see if I had any information on Pannal Ash College and in particular his grandfather who attended the college as a 13 year old boy in 1935. It was a very sad story as his parents who were living in Poland wanted him educated at the College. He came over and was a pupil there until just before the Second World War. Germany marched into Poland his parents "disappeared", There was no more money for his education so he had to leave aged 17. Poor George - not his Polish name - but what he was called in the College. His parents gone so George emigrated to Australia where he had a new life, married and had children. His grandson asked me if I could trace him.
I looked through all my papers and found him. Dr Chris Klinger his lovely wife Charm and his fourteen year old son Asoka came to see me and I had a delightful surprise awaiting. I gave them the magazines he was mentioned in and to great excitement a photograph of George was found. I also presented them with the school plaque that George would have seen every day at the College. A very joyful visit as they had not expected that I would find so much. A lovely visit made so much happier. I gave them directions to what is left of the buildings. I had the Memorial Chapel opened by Lord Harewood in 1927 listed in 2014 and also the Headmaster's House. The land is being developed for housing but it lies empty on Yew Tree Lane.
I was delighted to meet this lovely family, not forgetting their lovely gentle dog and I am so pleased I have so much memorabilia and saved it from being destroyed. A unique record of a long forgotten College.
I am a journalist, historian, author and don't know what it is called but I have many queries from relatives of people who lived in Pannal and are now deceased. When I can traced them I am always pleased to help their relatives.
I have two of my grandchildren (twins) coming up to stay with me tomorrow so that will be fun. So Harrogate, Knaresborough, Ripon, Leeds, Bradford and Otley here we come.
Not only am I fed up with the rain. Today and last Thursday I got soaked playing golf, Tigs and Marble are too.
Friday, 30 June 2023
Pannal notes found
Last blog I said I had lost my notes. Well they are found so I thought I would include them.
There was the very sad news that Conor Shutt grandson of Allan and June and Martin's son has died. I knew him as a little boy and he used to come on the walks round Pannal that I did with Pannal School. After a walk some of the children would recognise me even in Harrogate and tell their parents. Very kindly the parents would say their children enjoyed the walks and some children even insisted their parents go on the walk and they would tell them what they had been told. Needless to say don't think Conor ever finished a walk. Think we got as far as Mill Lane before he was sent (accompanied) back to school. He was a wild little boy.
Leading on from this Pannal has been chosen to be in the Heritage Walks nationwide which is in September.I have been asked to lead the walk which I am happy to do to let people know about Pannal. It is strange sometimes on the walks someone will say I pass Pannal quite often going along the Leeds Road and I have often wondered what was down there.
You will have seen the bungalow next door to me has been sold. It sold in a week and the asking price was over £500,000 and there were two lots of people after it. So |I will be having new neighbours. Shirley Holberry who was a lovely neighbour is now at Hampden House and enjoying her time there. I am the longest householder here having moved in 1966 with just Susan who was born when we lived at 2 Maltkiln Cottages, Kirkby Overblow, and Dusty our dog. Over the years came Michael, James and Richard all born in Pannal and all attended Pannal Primary School and then Harrogate Grammar School,another dog and four cats. We have lovely neighbours and best wishes to Mary Barr who had a fall and is now in hospital. Hopefully out soon and home.
Ok that's it until next time.
Monday, 19 June 2023
Summer in Pannal
At last we have summer. How long it will last we do not know but it is lovely to have the sun and warmth. I think my arms have grown longer. Knuckles not yet trailing on the ground due to the fact that I have been watering the plants back and front. I have a lot of plants and a lot of wildlife. Bees, butterflies all be it the white cabbage ones, some blackbirds nesting. I shall soon be like Miss Haversham from Great Expectations as the plants grow over and round me. Crimple Valley looked so beautiful with all the buttercups and mayflower. It is one of my favourite places and we are so lucky to have it on our doorstep.
Now I do not know what happens in the summer but I have a lot of inquiries about relatives that used to live in Pannal in years gone by. Do I know where they lived etc. I normally have the answer as I have a lot of historical papers. I have dealt with a number of these inquiries and only once have I had some horrible people. They were Americans and were sent to see me by a villager as they said they were related to the Bentley family at Pannal Hall. They came and as it was a lovely day we were in the garden. I made them some coffee and cake and they sat down. I looked up my records and found they were related to the other Bentley family in Pannal. They were amazingly annoyed and just got up and walked out the gate. They had taken photographs of Pannal Hall and I bet they returned to America and said that this was their ancestral home. Who was to contradict them eh!
I am getting back to normal. Notice I said normal as you my readers are nice people. When I told my "friends" my blood test was normal they ALL said yes your blood test may be but you never have been!! I would like to say thank you for Alan's kind comments. I still have not got my sense of smell back nor my walking many miles ability as my sense of balance is not good but I am getting there. When I first got Covid my oldest son Michael came over and Susan had said to him take a photograph of mum and send it to me. He did and she came up the next day. So I must have looked really poorly. Have not seen the photo nor do I want to.
I make notes of what I am going to write in my blog.. Well I did but I have lost it. Had to leave there and rescue my little blind cat as a magpie was going for her. A worry as I cannot be there all the time. Would Tigs go to her rescue no she would probably join the magpie.
Thursday, 1 June 2023
Pannal Update
Bit of an update. Still not right but getting there. Long Covid is not good. I am out and about but still not 100% and still not golfing. Just doing reasonable walks. One of my very favourite places is the Crimple Valley. I can spend nearly all day wandering round it. It is so pretty at the moment. The buttercups are amazing. So lovely to see them and the hawthorn in bloom. Area was all churned up years ago when the cows were on there then the sheep when it was a working farm. We came to live here in 1965 after living in Kirkby Overblow and have always loved Pannal. Our four children were all born here. Well no, Susan was born when we lived at Kirkby |Overblow. Wonder if we still hold the record at Pannal School of all four children attending Pannal School from when they started until they left and all attended Harrogate Grammar School or as we were informed by the Education Authority Otley Road Comprehensive!!!
Walking across Pannal Green I was reminded that I made an appeal when I was part of Pannal and Burn Bridge Village Society for a "Christmas" tree and wouldn't it be lovely to have lights. Both appeals were granted and we now have the lovely display at Christmas. Lights were added on the trees at the entrance to Pannal Green when the three boys from Pannal Green were tragically killed together with another innocent car driver..These lights were given when Yasmin past owner of Harrogate News contacted me as the boys delivered papers and their customers donated the money. Still thinking about Pannal as I walked I am most proud of all I have achieved for Pannal - The very first Tree Preservation Order, in the whole district, TPO 1 Pannal 1969, the saving of Spacey Houses Farm buildings (unfortunately could not save Spacey Houses Public House as the owners were "smart" and took the roof off in the early hours of the morning before I could have it listed. Saving of Dr Kellner's house The Horst on Westminster Drive. He was headmaster of Horst College now called Fieldhurst on the Leeds Road at the top of Pannal.. Writing the very first book ever written on Pannal then writing three more. Not finished yet as I would like to have a Country Park in the Crimple Valley. Do you know that before the housing came on the Dunlopillo site we had over 400 houses built starting in the mid 1960s. We were Pannal Village I like to think we still are. Also in the 1960s there were so many different types of birds Pied wagtail, thrush, starlings,many blackbirds and sparrows, goldfinch, tree creepers, woodpeckers and without fail every spring for about fifteen years we heard the cuckoo in Sandybank Quarry. Now we have predominately rooks and magpies and mentioning magpies. My poor little blind cat was lying full stretch in the sunshine in the garden when a magpie landed on her and pecked her. I was in the garden and saw this happening. She got such a fright and not only her I may add.
Friday, 19 May 2023
Pannal and Me
Here I am. I have had Covid and it knocked me for six. I was so ill and very very dizzy and it lasted nearly a month. My lovely children came and looked after me and I am recovering but feeling quite weak. I will not burden you with all the side effects just say I am hopefully on the mend. No golf as yet first the rain and then me..
Where is summer as some days are quite cold especially when there is a wind. Noticed that a big tree has fallen down on Church Lane. Was that the wind or the extreme wet weather? All the plants in the garden have shot up and one blessing is that they are now so high and so close together that the weeds do not have space to grow. So I shall have a wildlife garden. Suits me.
I did not miss the Coronation as I saw it on tv. Such a shame that Pannal's Event on Crimple Meadows was a wash out due to the recreation ground being flooded. The organisers did well on the switch to Pannal Green and St Robert's car park. After the rain on Coronation day the Coronation Event on Pannal Green and car park turned out to be a beautiful warm sunny day. I had a very slow walk down but could not stay long so came back as I felt weak. It certainly looked very busy and I hope they did well under very difficult circumstances. The Coronation went well. We do know how to put on "a good show".King Charles looked very nervous. In fact they both did and I could not toast them as I could not taste anything. No beer, no Prosecco. Will I make up for it oh I do hope so.
I have managed to stagger out and feed the cats and were they sympathetic - not a jot.
Friday, 10 March 2023
Snow time in Pannal
I love snow . Yesterday was miserable and I thought we are not going to get any but lo and behold today snow and sunshine. I will make a snowman in my garden. Not at the front as we have done in years past as my children are artistic and the snowman looked great. I am not artistic at all so he will remain hidden. I made a penguin once and put it on Facebook as I was quite proud of it. Probably unjustifiably but no one said it was not a penguin or were unkind. Don't think I said it was a penguin so that is probably the reason no one was unkind.
Who remembers going to school in the deep (much deeper than this) snow? I have all the Pannal Primary School Log Books and it states in there on many an occasion that the snow in Pannal was 8 to 10 feet deep. Pannal Primary School was on Woodcock Hill in those far off days only moving to Pannal Green in 1965.Some times there was no heating so the children and teachers who AUTOMATICALLY came to school wore their coats. I remember when I was about seven going to school in very deep snow and it came over the top of my wellies but we all went to school. Remember the bottles of milk that we had to drink with the ice sticking out of the top and we had to put them on the radiators.
Pannal Post Office has the last 4 books on Pannal and Burn Bridge Their Stories and as they say when they are gone they are gone.I enjoyed writing it and I enjoyed people's reaction to it. This was my fourth book on Pannal. A History of Pannal, Postcards from Pannal, A Centerary History of Pannal Golf Club and this last one. All out of print now but occasionally Amazon has them at a higher price than when they were first published. When I started to collect information on Pannal there was only the Library as a source and I found there was hardly anything on Pannal. No one had ever written about it before. There were occasional references but no book. Now there are four and I feel proud at having put Pannal on the Map. I put on the very first Tree Preservation Order 1969 No 1 Pannal the very first in the whole of Harrogate. I went on to do more and spent a lot of time at the Planning Office. I also saved buildings that were in danger of being demolished in Pannal and Harrogate. It has all been so worthwhile and I am not finished yet "preserving" Pannal. Great place to live.
Saw there is a cherry tree down on Pannal Green. Amazed really as it looked stable but presumably because it had so many branches the wind took it. It is still there.
Oh Tigs and Marble are now 17 and this morning they looked at the snow then looked at me and "said" "and this is" wish I could tell you they pointed but no. Anyway out they went and they loved it. Life in the old cats yet.
I have a comments column on my Blog would be pleased to hear from you any queries or anything I can help anyone with or your comments about Pannal or just to say hello.
Friday, 10 February 2023
Just Pannal Village
I have looked after the patio area beside St Robert's Church where the information Board, that I gave all the information for, is. I have looked after this little area for so many years and I have many chats with people that pass ranging from where does the path behind that Church go to or is there anywhere I can get some coffee? I have even helped a lady who was picking up dog poo from the fields. She was just tidying up as she thought is disgraceful that some people were not picking up after their dogs.I even had a man and woman sit on the seat eating their lunch and just lifted their feet for me to sweep up. They were not there when I started I must just say they came later.
Now with all the rain and high winds we have had I have not been tidying up but yesterday calm and sunny day off I went down to do so. Now my gardening jacket is black with yellow bits and there I was sweeping up leaves, and there was a lot of them, then this gentleman walking past said to me " about time you did that and are you going all the way along the pavements they are a disgrace".he then walk on. He obviously thought I was a road sweeper. Did make me smile but today when I went down to clear the little flower beds I wore a bright red jacket and no I was not mistaken for the postman.
I am still hoping that we shall have a Country Park to honour the Queen. The part I want is one entrance through Sandy Bank Quarry onto the Crimple Valley across the fields and up towards Stone Rings and All Saints. My request has now gone to NYCC who take over in April from HBC. Funny I never looked to see if it was April the 1st. I am not easily deterred as I had a battle to fight when I was Chairman of the Harrogate Society and formed Friends of the Valley Gardens to fight to save the Sun Pavilion and Colonnades from demolition and I won. So watch this space. I shall with the help of David Wilby KC give it our best shot.
I have now recovered from falling off the ladder and back to normal. Well as my friends say as normal as I will ever be and I do not think that is a compliment.
A gentleman- in a magazine I was reading - got in touch with me to say he was putting in the book he was writing about what teachers wrote on school reports what I had written on my report - Empty vessels make the most sound - which I thought for years was a compliment.
My poor little nearly blind cat Marble follows me wherever I go and I have to be very careful she does not get under my feet as she has a tendency to do. Vet said she is fine and as she has been in the garden and in the house for about fifteen years she knows her way around. Cannot say Tigs looks out for her she does not and will steal her food if I am not looking. .
Sunday, 22 January 2023
Frozen Pannal
I am probably mad as I went out to do some tidying up in the garden. Did manage a bit mainly leaves as ground very very hard. Worst part is how frozen the cars are in the morning. I had an extremely early appointment so I defrosted the windscreens and came back in to get ready. Then I had to defrost all over again as it had frozen up in the short time I was in the house. We have had no snow and I say as yet s we have had snow at half term in February before this. I have lived here well over fifty years and have seen all weathers. Very heavy snow and we had to take sledges down to get the bread order in the shop on the bridge. Much easier than carrying bags. My eldest son and his wife skied into Harrogate one year and my youngest son and his wife used their canoe up at All Saints Court instead of a sledge and were awarded a voucher for the most unusual mode of transport on the slope. There was an extremely heavy fall of snow one year in April and the tents used for the Spring Flower Show which used to be held in the Valley Gardens collapsed because of the weight of the snow. Fortunately there were empty at the time.
Well the last of my books on Pannal and Burn Bridge Their Stories only a few now in the Post Office. I have kept a few but not many. I enjoyed writing this my fourth book on this area. The others being A History of Pannal, Postcards from Pannal and A Centenary History of Pannal Golf Club. When I think of what was not here when we came to live here. We lived in Kirkby Overblow and our daughter Susan was born there and was just months old when we came to live in Pannal. I have detailed all the shops and businesses in my book. There were no houses at Dunlopillo as the factory was going strong making latex foam. Incidentally my husband's great great grandfather John Smith was Curator of Kew Gardens 1864-66 during the period when the first rubber seedlings were grown at Kew. He sent one of the young Kew gardeners to Ceylon with the seedlings were they formed the basis of the first of the great rubber plantations. GG Grandfather was mentioned in a book by Vikky Baum called the Weeping Woods.
There was no Pannal Green, no Crimple Meadows. The land (Crimple Meadows) belonged to Mr Bentley of Pannal Hall and we used to picnic there, fish in the Crimple and pick teasle. Pannal Primary School was on Woodcock Hill. no Rosedale or Rosedale Close no through road to Burn Bridge, one had to go up Woodcock Hill. No Woodcock Close there was a lovely barn in the fields there now the recreation grounds. Land behind St Roberts Church - Crimple Meadows - was a working Farm. No Walton Park.
Not wishing our lives away but it will be nice to have some warm weather. Back to playing golf and walking.Cats are not all that happy, Spending a lot of time sleeping on chairs and they take great exception to being put out of the lounge at night.