Saturday, 10 December 2022

Pannal and Christmas

 The Trees look lovely on Pannal Green. Quite a long time ago when I was on the committee of Pannal Village Society at one of the public meetings I proposed the idea of having lights on the trees on Pannal Green. I was contacted by two wonderful people one who said I will buy two conifer trees to be planted on the Green and the other said I will pay for lights. So this was done. Then more lights were payed for by the lovely people who had the newspaper round and employed the boys who were killed in a tragic car accident. The money had been raised by customers. There was also very sad as a poor gentleman who was killed in the accident was in another car. Harrogate Borough Council has taken on the task now.


My idea of a Country Park in honour of Her Majesty our late lamented Queen has taken off. I strongly feel that we must protect the Crimple Valley from development and what better idea than the status of a Country Park for all to use. I have the backing of Andrew Jones MP, Wallace Sampson Chief Executive, Richard Cooper Head HBC, and now Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council so we are all working together to make this happen. I had a SINC put on Sandy Bank Quarry to protect it and it will be incorporated into the Country Park, I am lucky to have the help of David Wilby KC who lives across the road from me and is a legal expert on matters that could be relating to this venture. What do the residents of Pannal Village think? Use comments to let me know or any other means we must protect our green spaces for us and more importantly our children and grandchildren too be able to use. 

Also I read in the Neighbourhood Plan by Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council put forward to Harrogate Borough Council the idea for the introduction pf time limited parking restrictions on Main Street from Pannal Green north to Spring Lane covering school drop off and pick up times. Now this was news to the residents of Main Street as no one had been asked their opinion on the matter. What for instance happens if residents have family or visitors and their cars are parked on Main Street before and during drop off and pick up times?? Sorry I do not know the answer to this and I have asked. Main Street residents are watching with interest. Incidentally drop off times lasts from 8,40am to 8.55am and pick up times 2.55pm to 3.30pm.

In my last blog I mentioned how my son's brand new electric car that was parked on Main Street was "keyed" all along the side. It cost £1000 to fix.

i decided to go up into the loft and on the way back down I thought I was on the bottom rung of the ladder I was not and twisted my knee and banged it on the metal side. It was agony and I could not walk at all for a couple of days. Had an x-ray and have another appointment as I can now walk but not long distances and I cannot golf. 2My children said for God sake why did you go up to the loft?" No answer to that I just did.

My cats are in and do not want to go out. The weather is cold but it is December. All I need to do now is wish you a Very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year and lets all make the most of it with our loved ones. Who would have thought five years ago Britain would be in the state it is in now but over the festive season lets enjoy ourselves and forget.


Saturday, 19 November 2022

Pannal Warning

 Have heard of a few cases where cars in Pannal have been targeted.Mostly silly nonsense like cakes smeared on the bonnet or drinks poured over the car  One car was keyed..Now it was our cars targeted. One car sheer vandalism the other stupidity.  Unfortunately my middle sons car  was keyed rather badly and he was told it would take £1000 to repair. My car had a bread roll stuffed down the windscreen wipers. Both cars were on the road over night as the drive was being used by workmen.  Fortunately most of us here have cameras on our drives and James incident has been passed to the police. 

So all I can say is be careful. 

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Not only Pannal

 Up until these last couple of days the weather has been lovely and it is November. Not all that many years ago we had heavy snow in November and Halloween was always cold. I hate the early dark nights and always look forward to Spring as we all do. 

 I went up into our loft and on the way back down I twisted my knee. Hard to walk and it is very painful. I have two lovely lads doing the double glazing  and when I carried the tray in with their tea I looked just like Julie Walters as the waitress in the Victoria Wood sketch Two Soups.

Saw what happened re Pannal Mill Dam and all the mud and chemicals from the Dunlopillo factory being left.I thought the Dam was "owned" by the Pannal Mill Dam Association.Mr Bentley of Pannal Hall owned the Mill Cottage so did he own the Dam? He sold it in the late 1950s to Mr and Mrs Wardle who sold Mill Cottage and they now live in Ripon. The house deeds perhaps says who owned the dam.

I was reading Harrogate Borough Council's News Letter and they state THAT EVIDENCE SHOWS THAT NEW HOUSES ARE NEEDED ACROSS THE HARROGATE DISTRICT. Be interesting to see that evidence. 4000 houses across and around The Squinting Cat what happens to Pannal when they all decide that they work in York, Bradford, Leeds etc and the best and quickest way to reach the A61 is via Pannal village. Most of the long standing members who live in Pannal still call it a village and it certainly was when we came to live here in the very early 1960s. We had so many shops (detailed in my book Pannal and Burn Bridge Their Stories). Now does it ever strike you that we had for a time two hospitals The General and The District. The General was demolished.HOW FAR SIGHTED WAS THAT? Now we have one hospital and Harrogate and  Pannal are so much bigger and will be even more so and there is only the one hospital. All these houses planned and where is the infrastructure? Harrogate District cannot cope. The schools will not be able to cope nor will the roads. In our area 4000 houses means ? well I think we can work out how many cars that will bring we cannot all be riding a bike and that cycle route being muted is farcical

Many years ago I was asked by both the Conservatives and the Liberals ( on the same day funny enough)to be a Councillor but I thought then and now that to be a Councillor one has to tow the party line and that would not suit me at all. 

David Wilby KC and I are still working on the Queen Elizabeth Country Park in the Crimple Valley and we have the backing of our MP Robert Banks and Pannal Councillor John Mann as well as some Councillors at HBC.

I do not have many books of Pannal and Burn Bridge Their Stories left, so if you want any they are being sold for £5 (I have made my initial cost so I have reduced them) at Pannal Post Office. These are the last - about 30 - so when they are gone they are gone. Their will be no more. All my other books are sold out but occasionally they come up on Amazon at a much higher price than they originally were so I am told.

My little cat Marble is now blind. We Sarah Gordon and I think she is about 17 years old. Sarah was Marble's original Mum and she named her. Marvle managews to get around and the vet says she knows where she lives so she will be fine. Tigs is about 16 had a Dad who could not keep her and he named her too. I am their adopted Mum but I have had them since they were kittens.They said I must tell you it is going to get colder so they have now decided to come into the house.  


My little cat Marble is now blind. She is we think (we being Sarah Gordon and me as Sarah was Marbvle's original Mum. 


Thursday, 20 October 2022

Chaos in Pannal

 My neighbour last week counted 300 cars up and down Main Street (mainly down). This was between the hours of 7.45am and 9am and they were not sticking to the 20 mph speed limit. I also saw them car after car after car but she counted them. Heaven help Pannal Village when those 4000 houses are built on the fields beyond The Squinting Cat. These are not cars coming to Pannal Village they are cutting across the A61 in both directions and using us as a rat run. Another strange thing is that cars turn off the A61 Leeds Road and go down Leadhall Lane and then through Pannal and rejoin the A61 Leeds Road further up. Why? 

Then last week as I was backing out of my drive to go to the Golf Club when a cyclist overtook me on the inside just as I was straightening up and yesterday I was just about to turn into my drive after coming down Church Lane a black car overtook me on the inside. I saw something black and stopped and thank goodness I did so. These drivers are idiots I live opposite Rosedale and I am indicating left to turn in to my house where I have lived for over 56 years and a number of them say, like the one whom I got out of the car to speak to and said "cant you see I am indicating left to go down my drive I was not indicating to go right down Rosedale" and he said  "well your a woman and |I thought you were going down Rosedale". No answer to that one eh!   First time this has happened to me (and happened twice in a week) but it has happened to my neighbours. We all say we are just waiting for an accident to happen sooner rather than later. It is quite frightening the speed the cars travel at down Church Lane and then Main Street. 

We are still working on the Queen Elizabeth 11 Country Park in memory of a great Queen and I will keep you informed. 

Today was the most rain we have had for weeks. The gardens needed it but it can stop now. Tuesday was so lovely that I wore shorts to golf but they are now washed and put away. I am a summer person and I hate the dark nights. Marble and Tigs not all that chuffed either. They are about 17 years old and every year it comes as a surprise to them. Some people seem to have cats that are so clever. I am not one of them.                                                                                                       

Friday, 7 October 2022

Pannal and a Country Park for the Queen

 Having written my last two blogs about our Queen and how she has been part of our lives for most of our lives I thought it would be a lovely idea to honour this gracious lady by having a Country Park - The Queen Elizabeth 11 Country Park in Pannal. An honour for Pannal and for Harrogate. My idea was originally to honour her Platinum Jubilee but there was not enough time to do this.

There is land owned by Harrogate Borough Council which is suitable. It is The Crimple Valley a Special Landscape Area and borders the A61 Leeds Road then down to behind St Robert's Church and up to All Saint's Court encompassing Sandybank Quarry. In 1778 this land was retained by King George 111 and the Monarch Queen Elizabeth 11 retained the mineral rights. I asked the Duchy of Lancaster if this land had been enfranchised but have not heard as yet. It was sold to Mr Bentley of Pannal Hall who sold it to Harrogate Borough Council in 1963 who promised to leave it untouched as a lung between Harrogate and Pannal. Some of this land is leased to a farmer to grow wheat and I have no objection to that as it is a large area. 

I approached Andrew Jones our MP and I have his backing as well as "no objection" from Wallace Sampson OBE Chief Executive of Harrogate Borough Council, Richard Cooper Leader of the Council and John Mann our local Councillor.

The Harrogate Advertiser published my plan last week and I have had only favourable comments from people. There are obstacles to overcome but nothing major. I am also most fortunate to have as my legal advisor David Wilby KC of Pannal. So let's see what becomes of this idea and I will keep you all posted. 

Marble and Tigs are now staring at me through the window and saying it is raining so I shall have to go and let them in. 

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Pannal Fell Silent

I was on my own do I watch the Queen's funeral or not. I watched some of it but it made me very sad. Not helped by the fact I had a Covid inj and I had no ill effects with any of them but this one felled me. I was so cold could not stop shivering and felt sick and that lasted for three days. 

I was thinking of our lovely Queen and I met her as Chairman of Friends of the Valley Gardens when the Sun Pavilion in the Valley Gardens was re-oped by her Majesty. Could curtsy them but probably fall over now if I had to curtsy. Also met (as he was then) Price Charles at the Pateley Bridge Show. He came over to speak to me and as he was speaking a person ran between us and grabbed his sleeve. Fortunately it was a Down's Syndrome boy who meant no harm but if it had been an assailant his security personnel were not quick enough to intervene. 

My Dad who was a Chief Petty Officer went to Buckingham Palace to receive his Distinguished Medal from King George V1. Dad joined the navy as a boy sailor and was in before and long after the Second World War. I have written a book about my Dad as he was a war hero and when he died he had a military funeral in Harrogate. He won his DSM as he was on duty on his ship the famous HMS Cossack and he noticed a mine had come loose on the deck and he ran to it and tied himself onto it and the rails of the ship. His watch was from 2am to 6am and at 6am he had to wake another sailor but because he was tied to the mine he could not and so the sailor slept on and it was not until ships company mustered at 8am that Dad was found. He had been holding the mine from 2am to 8am. I said to him much much later when he had left the navy that was a very brave thing to do and he said it was spur of the moment and when I realised I could not let go I felt sick. He said very often brave deeds are spur of the moment. He was involved in the Altmark (German ship) who had a number of British sailors held captive in the hold and denied it. HMS Cossack drew alongside and boarded her and Dad was on the searchlight and he was shot at and if it had not been for his cigarette case in his breast pocket which the bullet hit he would have been killed. My Mum who was a staunch Catholic had put a medal inside it and she said it was the medal that saved him. The sailors were saved and taken aboard HMS Cossack and taken from Norway back to Leith in Scotland.

 I was a child at school when King George V1 died and whatever I had been doing I do not remember but the teacher Miss King was shaking me. She had me by the shoulders and my head was all over the place and I was saved from it falling off by the school secretary who came bursting into the classroom shouting The King is dead God Save the Queen. 

For the Queen's funeral day Pannal was silent no people and no cars. Except when she was taken to Windsor I went out to stretch my legs and met a few people doing as I was doing or walking their dogs. 

What a day. We will all miss her. Charles will be a good King and Camilla will be a tremendous help and support to him but it will be difficult to sing God Save our Gracious King instead of Queen as we have been singing the latter for as long as we can remember. 

Friday, 9 September 2022

Our beloved Queen

 I felt so terribly sad yesterday and could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I expect we all did. A tragic surprise as we did not expect it. I only hope Harry (who was not going to see his Grandmother on this visit) thinks long and hard over his behaviour. Him, Prince Andrew and Liz Truss who wanted the monarchy abolished I feel they all hastened her end. 

All I have to say. God Save the King. Wonder when we sing the National Anthem we will remember to say King as it has been Queen in all our memories. All our children have known only a Queen a wonderful gracious lady who gave her whole life to serving the people. 

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Summer in Pannal

 As I wrote before I had an accident and was deaf in one ear. Still am but an excellent lip reader I am becoming. Hope Covid and masks do not return as I shall be stuffed if it does. I am answering queries re Pannal and relatives that have lived here in the past which is quite fun and I have met some lovely people. One lady had relatives in Pannal but she could not trace them and came to me. When she said the name of the house I knew where it was but it was not in Pannal village but on the outskirts and I had seen it on my walks. So one happy lady. I am also given photos and asked where it is their relatives are standing in front of. Doing well as I have been able to find the answers but I won't get to cocky as pride comes before a fall as my Mum told me. So I must have been an insufferable child. Now read this with an accompaniment of the music from Jaws....I am the only historian left Harrogate, Knaresborough, Bilton, Starbeck, Ripon all gone.

Hasn't summer being marvellous in Pannal. We are lucky as friends in Scotland have not had it so good and there has been rain and the occasional thunderstorm around in places but not here. Who needs to go to the Bahamas come to sunny warm Pannal. One thing though our arms will be a lot longer as we are carrying watering cans around to save our plants but oh joy not having to cut the lawns. School is back and so is the traffic and heaven help us when all the new houses are built up near the Squinting Cat as it is Pannal the cars will come through. One night I was woken up by a car coming down Church Lane and through Pannal at about three hundred miles an hour. I slightly exaggerate I think but only slightly. 

Good wishes go to Peter Allison of Main Street who fell off his garage roof and sustained broken ribs and other injuries and has been in Leeds Hospital for two weeks. Get well soon Peter and you will be so pleased when you are able to come home as there is no place like home as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz says.

You know I have lived in this house for over fifty years my Mum and Dad lived in Harrogate and my husband all our four children. the dogs and cats that we have had and have all Yorkshire only me born in Scotland but I think I am accepted here now. Living in Pannal I have had and still have lovely neighbours not just the people living alongside me but across the road, In fact the whole of Main Street and beyond. We lived in Kirkby Overblow when we were first married then bought a house in Pannal and have never regretted it. Never wanted to move, Bas turned down various moves through work as we felt nowhere matched here. We have everything. Lovely towns Harrogate, Knaresbvorough, Ripon, Otley, Ilkley and great walking country a lot of it on our doorstep. Who has not enjoyed the great walk to Alscliffe Crag or the walk to the pub at Kirkby Overblow. Oh I could go on but you get the just we are lucky to live here. 

Poor little Marble is nearly blind and follows me around now and I have to be so careful I do not fall over her. The Vet says nothing can be done and having lived here nearly 17 years she knows her way around. Tigs to me is a lovely cuddly cat but she sneaks up on Marble when she is eating and tries to steal her food so there I stand every morning waiting until she is finished eating.

Incidently I have a reader of my Blog who lives in Scotland and told me he knew my Mum and Dad.  

Thursday, 28 July 2022

Pannal, Malcolm Neesam and me

 I attended the funeral today of my friend the great Malcolm Neesam and I was one of the speakers so here is what I said and everyone seemed to like it.

I have known Malcolm over fifty years and the Malcolm I knew is different from the Malcolm Neesam most people knew. We first met at a Harrogate Society meeting in 2972 and found we had a great love for old films, Laurel and Hardy and opera. Malcolm love Wagner. I loved Elvis but we managed.

When I first visited Malcolm's house there is a framed picture on his landing and and I said is that your father and he said no Wagner. He loved his music and also spoke fluent German, Malcolm had a girlfriend when we first met and he finished with her and I said why did you break up and he said she did not like Wagner. Malcolm wrote his autobiography in 2004 called Buckram Binding and I have a copy. I received one and one went to America. He wanted to know what I thought of it and I loved it. Why ~Buckram Binding well there was an antique book shop at 81 Station Parade run by Mr Archie Miles and Malcolm used to frequent it. Mr Miles looked for rare books for Malcolm and having discovered one and shown it to him Malcolm handed it back saying I would prefer it buckram bound. So after that he was always known to Mr Miles as Buckram Binding. Indeed when his mother required him to help her carry shopping when visiting town she would call in at the bookshop and Mr Miles would say Buckram Binding is upstairs. I must say and you might find this hard to believe but Malcolm was at times a naughty little boy who played practical jokes on his relatives. Malcolm and my husband shared a love of practical jokes which at times was a complete pain. Hard to believe the Mr Neesam that appeared in public lecturing really had a wicked sense of humour. One time we went to a talk by a lady who came gallumping on stage with all the mannerisms of Joyce Grenfell. I turned to look at Malcolm and his glasses were steamed up as he was trying not to laugh during this serious talk. I have never been Captain of the Girls' Hockey Team but Malcolm wrote in his book History of Harrogate under the Improvement Commissioners 1841-1884  "for a splendid effort as Captain of the Girls' Hockey Team, Anne Smith from the Editor Malcolm Neesam" and this was presented to me at the Swan Hotel by Malcolm who read out what he had written to much applause from all who were present, It was so embarrassing but Malcolm just stood there smiling and applauding.

We will all miss him dreadfully, he was our friend and there will never be another Malcolm Neesam ever as my children say. He was a constant in our lives and added to it with laughter and kindness, I will finish by saying when you all go home those of you who have a copy of Malcolm's book Wells and Swells Volume 2 put it on a chair stand back and have a look. I said to Malcolm the banner across James Street that says Long Live the King looks like a big bra and he just smiled and said I know. 

 I can't write any more but I felt that Malcolm was present at Christ Church and was sitting there smiling and giving the occasional royal wave. 

Friday, 22 July 2022

Pannal quiet?

 Hurrah school has broken up for the summer holidays. For six weeks we in Main Street will be able to get in and out of our drives. We don't have to make appointments before 8.30am or after 3.40pm. We are free to come in and out when we want. Although I must admit the parents cars are not there for all that long morning and afternoon but it is nice to have the freedom to come and go all the day. One thing none of us want is double yellow lines as we all have families that visit and park on the road. By none of us I mean we who live here. People that talk about yellow lines do not live on Main Street. 

I have a big funeral to go to next week as our lovely friend Malcolm's funeral service is at Christ Church. People were asking me what can we do to honour this man who has given so much to Harrogate. I said no to a statue as Malcolm did not like statues as pigeons do and the idea of having a street named after him made him throw up his hands in horror because of all the houses developers are being allowed to build.I HAVE THOUGHT OF A FITTING     TRIBUTE TO MALCOLM - APART FROM PUTTING A PLAQUE ON HIS HOUSE WHICH WILL BE DONE MALCOLM AND I MET UP WITH REPRESENTATIVES FROM VARIOUS ORGANISATIONS AND HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL IN NOVEMBER TO ASK HBC TO KEEP THEIR PROMISE AND RESTORE THE COLONNADE IN THE VALLEY GARDENS BY REROOFING IT. A TRIBUTE TO MALCOLM AND ALSO TO THE PEOPLE OF HARROGATE.

I am speaking at the funeral as Malcolm asked me to but my speech will not be about Harrogate's greatest historian it will be about our lovely friend of over fifty years who was funny and kind.  Incidentally I am now the only historian left in the area. Music from Jaws being played here. 

When I write these blogs I get comments but one I had was from "unknown" saying I knew your family when you lived in Scotland and then said "don't be a stranger". Don't know what that means. Why doesn't "Unknown" make himself known - only polite to do so.

Fantastic hot weather I love it not sure Marble and Tigs did. They did not complain but there was a lot of noise going on which on second thought could have been complaints. 

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Pannal and my sadness

I have been supporting my very lovely friend Malcolm who died in the early hours of this morning ( I got a phone call at 3am) at Hampden House. Poor Malcolm over the past few of years has had a brain tumour, both hips replaced, bowel cancer, a stoma bag, and the killer liver cancer. Today was his birthday. Thank goodness I saw him yesterday..We have known Malcolm for over fifty years, Malcolm Neesam was Harrogate's premier historian having written very many books on Harrogate and he just managed to attend the launching of his latest two volumes Wells and Swells. Malcolm was main speaker at the launching of my book Pannal and Burn Bridge Their Stories and we shall miss him dreadfully. The staff at Hampden House were so lovely and when Jamie, his nephew, and I went up had placed a rose on his pillow which was a lovely thought Jamie and I  were very touched. A very sad day for all Malcolm's family and friends. Their will be many tributes to him from all over Harrogate.I have asked the Harrogate Civic Society to have a plaque on his house so that he will never be forgotten and he deserves it as he has done so much for Harrogate and was a great supporter of Pannal which he came to often. 

On another note going up Church Lane is getting even busier and the cars coming down Church Lane are not always on the right side of the white line. I slowed down for two horses and riders approaching the brow of the hill and was hooted at by the car behind me!! Yesterday going up Church Lane I know the matrix is there and drive accordingly just below thirty miles as I want to see a smiley face when the car behind me overtook extremely fast and I do hope he has been fined or whatever they do. Also no doubt we shall have the road gangs back repairing the roads as we are having some "extremely" heavy traffic going up and down through the village. 

I am still answering queries after the Jubilee which is lovely people wanting to know about Pannal. So far can answer them. Have not been stumped yet. 

On a happier note I went with my friend Jenny to Harlow Carr Show last Friday and the gin was lovely. Nuff said. 

Monday, 13 June 2022

Pannal. Me and the Jubilee

 Been a little while since I blogged as I have been suffering. First of all through the kindness of the bottle and paper weekly collectors what they did to my black box. It was torn all down the side with jagged edges and I picked it up and it tore my leg badly. Then much later on was eating museli and felt I was going to sneeze put my hand over my mouth and the museli stuck in my throat. I was choking I could not get my breath. I got out into the garden and eventually did but it was so scary. Result was I developed a rotten cold and very very sore throat and still deaf in one ear. Still not right but I am alive and was ok enough to take part in the Jubilee Celebrations. Now if you are thinking things come in threes - don't.

I went down to the lighting of the beacon at St Robert's car park organised by Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council and that was lovely. Someone took a very good photo of the lit beacon, St Roberts and fireworks, Really good. The fireworks were set off from the top of St Robert's Church and there was a lone bugler. All very nostalgic. I actually met the bugler outside my house getting into his car and he said did you hear me? 

Second event also organised by P and BBPC was on the Sunday on the Rec at Crimple Meadows. Weather not too good but a lot better than they had down South. I was asked to let them have a history of the village from 1953 to the present day which I did as they were having a History stall. At the beacon lighting I said who is doing the history stall to be told I thought you were. Answer well no one asked me but ok I will. Fortunately I was in a marquee. I had taken my Coronation mug, my brothers Coronation mug and a couple of other Coronation things for the display. The history of the village and the photographs I had provided were well laid out on boards and all who attended came into the marque and were very interested in the display. I also took a 1953 Kelly's Street Directory and said to people tell me where you live and I will tell you who lived in your house in 1953. All who came loved that and it was fun. I answered many questions and I have come away with queries that I am answering from my records and emailing the answers to the people who asked them. I was also asked to judge a children's painting competition and that was an honour. I picked my three First, Second and Third and said to Steve Cobb who was in the marquee with me what do you think and he agreed with my choices. The winners were announced and a little while later a little girl with her mum and dad came over and said are you the lady who judged the painting competition and she was jumping up and down with joy as she had won First Prize and said thank you. How lovely was that eh?  Only sorry I did not have time to talk to her a bit more. I did see the welly wanging from my tent and the races children's and adults and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Forget about the weather there was beer. I then went to one of my neighbours as they had asked my up for a barbecue. So Derek was outside barbecuing and Denise and I were sitting indoors drinking Prosecco not a bad life and a lovely way to end Her Majesties Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. Cheers Hic. 

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Pannal and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Coronation and Platinum Jubilee

Pannal very quiet. Well Pannal is by I am not. Now is the time for people to email me about relatives who lived here in the past or buildings they live/lived in. I am not complaining as I love answering their queries. I have been told no one in Pannal knows as much as I do and that is lovely. I live here and I have made it my "duty" to find out about people and buildings and places.I have never been stumped yet. The only funny query I have had well not the query the people asking was concerning Pannal Hall and they said they were related to the Bentley family (owners of Pannal Hall at that time). They produced a family tree. We asked them in and made coffee etc. When I studied the family tree I said I am sorry but it is not the Bentley family of Pannal Hall you are related to it is another family named Bentley who lived in the village at the same time and I produced the evidence. They took one look at it and flounced out without a word said.  I bet when they went back to America they produced the photos of Pannal Hall they had taken and said this is where our ancestors lived. 

Another query I had was two ladies came to the front door and asked if I could tell them the history of a house.I could and did. Then I said to one of them "Years ago we had a midwife here called Joan Alderson you look very like her are you related and she said yes I am her daughter". 

I have finished the task I was asked to do by the Parish Council namely to write down what happened in Pannal on Coronation Day 1953 and what happened here in the 1950s and every decade after, right up to the present day.   
This I have done and also printed off some photographs and passed them on to the Parish Council. Quite a lot of work involved but I have a lot of papers and also copies of the School Log Books. Pannal celebrated Coronation Day with flags, bunting. Fancy Dress and a Gala held by kind permission of the owners of Rosehurst a beautiful  building in it's own grounds. It was demolished in 1966 and Rosedale Close was build where the house was and Rosedale built on its magnificent grounds. I was lucky enough to have been inside Rosehurst and also its grounds and I remember, also sadly gone, a most beautiful red rhododendron in front of the house when in bloom could be seen all over the village. It was the sight of some of the wonderful specimen trees being felled that I got in touch with Harrogate Borough Council and with the help of their solicitor Mr Hoyle put on the very first tree preservation order covering and saving  the rest of the trees. TPO No 1 Pannal 1969. Every decade from the 1950s.has been interesting to write about and I hope it will be available for all to see on a history stall when we celebrate  our Queen's Platinum Jubilee over the four day holiday in June, Also of course on 29th May 1953 Everest was Ascended for the first time. The highest point on earth by Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tensing and the world found out on the morning of Coronation Day. 

Tigs and Marble were sitting alongside me when I was typing that exciting information and I told them but they were not at all interested. Funny that!  

Saturday, 2 April 2022

Pannal Walk

Have Yorkshire Water, Gas, Broadband, etc gone from Main Street Pannal. Well they have at the moment but a couple of days ago fear was struck into the hearts of residents of Main Street, Three men in high viz clothes looking where holes had been dug and filled in. So far no one has come to dig holes but who knows what we have in store for us.

Thursday we awoke to snow and it was cold. No traffic disruption with the snow this time and by the next day the snow was gone and there was sunshine off and on. This was the day I took 17 Pannal Plodders around Pannal telling them what used to be in various places and buildings. We had a lovely time and everyone was so interested. I am very proud of the history of Pannal and when I first joined the Harrogate Society one of the first task was to look around Pannal and its buildings and have them listed. All listed buildings are now in the Conservation Area which I and the Conservation Officer for Harrogate Borough Council Peter Fisher looked at. This was in 1984 and the Conservation Area was added to later.We also have the very first Forest of Knaresborough Boundary Stone in Pannal which I take people to see. Yesterday's walk met at St Robert's car park and we walked up Main Street to Sandy Bank Quarry and All Saints Court then the old Pannal School down Rosedale which was the beautiful Gardens of Rosehurst which was built in 1833 and destroyed in 1966. Back along Main Street past Pannal Hall and down Mill Lane. Then retraced our steps to Crimple Meadows and we kept stopping so that I COULD TELL THEM THE HISTORY OF ALL THE BUILDINGS AND PLACES WE WERE PASSING. We then walked down Crimple Meadows the originally intention was to walk along Mill Lane but it was very wet so Crimple Meadows which were fields belonging to Pannal Hall and where the teasel grew and was used for napping and where we used to picnic. We were on our way to lunch at the Black Swan and a lovely lunch it was too. 

I am getting o well with Villagers Recollections of Coronation Day 1953 and what has happened in Pannal every decade since. 

Last week we and Marble and Tigs were enjoying the lovely warm Spring weather and then snow. So like the rest of us they were both wondering "what happened there then" 

Sunday, 13 March 2022

Back again Pannal

 We in Main Street are loving this and I don't think. A cable company who shall be nameless broke a pipe. Filled the hole in and just outside my wall water started running down the road. I rang Yorkshire Water and they came out at 2am to listen to find out where the water was coming from. Couple of weeks passed and a gentleman came to my door and said does that leak belong to you or your neighbour. I said neither of us. He said I take my dog out very early in the morning and it was very frosty and I skidded on the ice that I did not know was there, luckly I did not fall down. I said I will report it again. I did and first of all they said they could not trace my original call. Then they found it so I told them about the gentleman and said if anyone does fall you could be sued as you know about the leak. Had a telephone call to say they would be at the top of Main Street on the 1st March.They were. Dug the pavement up found the leak repaired it. Then a couple of days ago another hole was dug further down the road I asked the workmen why and they said we are gas and water has run into the gas pipe so we are here to find where. This weekend barriers still there so presumably they will be back tomorrow, hopefully found and hopefully repaired, hole filled in and goodbye to utility companies. All our fingers are crossed. Further down Main Street broadband cables are being laid and it is an awful mess. Barriers are on top of the daffodils on Pannal Green that myself, my husband and youngest son planted all those years ago. So I doubt we shall be seeing them this year. I am cross and really hope the barriers are removed soon and the daffodils manage to survive. I have moved two barriers that were on the little garden on the patio by St Robert's Church and moved them further up as I planted the little garden and I look after it and the patio. 

These last couple of blogs have not been nice to write but I want to keep everyone in the picture re roadworks. 

On to another subject I have been asked by the Parish Council to write a history of Pannal from the Queen's Coronation every decade up to the present. What we did at the Coronation and how Pannal has changed over the these years. Happy to do so as there have been so many changes and the village that we live in is not the same. We who have lived here for many many years have seen the best of Pannal and also the best of Harrogate too. I do not want to live anywhere else but it is just different. 

Remember Ken Walker of Walkers Butcher and Veg shop (now a Hairdressers) I am still in touch with Ken who is 90. I am also in touch with Peter Scoulding whose Dad Les owned the long gone Newsagent's on Station Road now the Doctors Surgery. 

In the very strong winds part of my fence has become unattached and the cats are not all that happy about that as it is moving backward and forwards and they don't like it so when the wind dies down I shall do as they have requested and I shall get it repaired.

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Pannal we are back

 On March 1st Yorkshire Water are coming to dig up the road again this I was informed by telephone. Reason I know is because I "drew to their attention for the second time the water leak on the pavement between my neighbour and myself". Reason I did so was because a gentleman came to my door and said I do not know if that water leak on the pavement belongs to you or your neighbour. I said neither of us. It is when cables were being put in a water pipe was damaged. He said I take my dog out in the very early mornings when it is dark and I slid on it. I said I will report it again and this was a couple of weeks ago and still the water comes out and runs down the road and as I said they did phone me to say date to be fixed 1st March. 

I have had a lovely weekend as it was my birthday and the children (I have four) pulled out all the stops and I had some lovely presents which I had told then not to do. Holiday booked which was a surprise. 

One day went to Fountains Abbey and it was crowded as it was half term for some. Not Pannal that is next week and also my grandchildren who are coming up as their half term is next week. Too crowded for us so we went a walk elsewhere. Very pleasant but very muddy and windy in places. It is so nice to see one's children and grandchildren especially when they do not live anywhere near. I love it living in Pannal I have the lovely Crimple Valley to walk and so many other places near. We are so lucky living in Yorkshire. The first lockdown in March was fantastic I walked the Crimple Valley every day up to and un der the Viaduct and I never tired of it.  Leeds Road the A61 was so quiet no cars one could just saunter across the road which we have never been able to do and I suppose will never be able to do again. 

I have been asked to see if I have any photographs or writings of all the decades that our Queen has reigned. That should be fun to do and I will enjoy doing it. I also suggested to the Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council that we should have a big "street party" on Crimple Meadows in June and if wet Pannal Memorial Institute.So we shall see what comes of that. Let us hope that being told we no longer have to wear a mask will not result in another lockdown. I shall continue to wear a mask when I am shopping.

Tigs and Marble have intimated that they do not like this rain. I have told them they are not alone. I was up at 5 o'clock this morning. Now I thought that drinking Posecco would have made me sleep but it did the opposite but I did have the joy of hearing the dawn chorus and also being quite surprised to see so many dog walkers out. 

Friday, 28 January 2022

Pannal Panto? Oh yes we are

Yes they are back and at the top of the road again. This time Yorkshire Water. Outside my house there is a cover that has tv on it and water is pouring out of it and has been for days. I had phoned Yorkshire Water and they sent someone out and it looks like one of the workmen from I do not know where has hit a pipe or a spring pipe and the fault is at the top of Main Street. Interesting though there are traffic lights but no workmen. Are they coming this weekend?  There is now a new game for motorists and all are playing it. It is called drive as fast as you can through a 20mph limit when the lights are green and get through them before they turn red. There is a worry there because so many heavy vehicles are coming through Pannal and up Church Lane in spite of there being a weight restriction.In the 1970s the road bridge that is above Sandybank Quarry and before one gets to the Quarry entrance collapsed. Now in those days we had a number of buses coming in and going out of the village via Church Lane (to go to town no need for a car as buses were regular) and this was felt to have caused the road bridge to collapse. Buses were re routed via Rosedale until the powers that be decided not to run buses to and from Pannal. With the amount of heavy traffic and lots of it could this happen again?. Could be as one will have noticed the amount of water that lies there when we have heavy rain. Has the road dipped a bit I would think yes. It will only get worse with the proposed 4000 houses to be built and the traffic will come through Pannal to get to the A61. I remember when we all had larch trees outside our property that the bats used to roost in outside our houses opposite Rosedale and these were felled to widen the road and put a pavement in. 

I do know nothing stands still  but I feel Pannal has had more than its fair share of housing,  In other words just stop please. 

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee in June,  Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council were looking for ideas to celebrate it and I suggested a "street party" in the rec if fine and if not fine at Pannal Memorial Institute. Not just a suggestion as I am happy to help. Let's all get together and "do something" to celebrate this fantastic event. 

I shall end with the follow on to my central heating failing at Christmas today emergency call out as carpet in the corner of the lounge soaked by a leaking radiator valve. Noticed it when Tigs who sleeps there came out wet. Not a lot of sense that cat. In fact neither of them have but they do know dinner and when I ask if they want to come in. Bit different when I want to put them out of the lounge at bedtime Mine not theirs as we have a chase round the room as I want them out but they do not want to go out, I win Ha ha.  

Sunday, 16 January 2022

Goodbye Pannal Oh Hello Pannal

Goodbye Pannal Oh Hello Pannal this is what has been going on with workmen in Main Street. They dig up the pavement leave barriers and holes for a couple of days plus traffic lights come back fill in holes and remove barriers and traffic lights. Then a couple of days later the pantomime starts all over again. The traffic lights they had at the top of Main Street I was waiting there as they were on red they changed to green and I just got past them only to meet four cars heading for me on the one way system. I had to back down the road fortunately no cars behind me. There was a workman standing there with a switch in his hand controlling the lights. I shouted to him what are you doing and he just shrugged. Today is Sunday will they be back tomorrow? Your guess is as good s mine. Laying cables for talk talk they reckon. Well that was last week wonder what it will be next. Your guess is as good as mine. 

I had an email from Peter Scoulding whose parents had the Newsagents shop (now the doctor's surgery) at 37 Station Road in the 1940/50s asking for a copy of my new book Pannal and Burn Bridge Their Stories. He lives near Leeds so came over and we had a chat about old Pannal. He left me a couple of folders he had written about when they were at No 37 where Peter was born. I shall read and return them. I had another email from Peter saying how much he had enjoyed my book and I had described Pannal just as he remembered it. I do get a number of people telephoning me about their relatives who lived or were buried in Pannal. I have only ever been stumped once when I had an inquiry about Great Aunt Bertha who lived in Pannal. I said what was her surname and the person said oh now you've got me. I also had some Americans a husband and wife who said they were related to the Bentley's who used to live at Pannal Hall and they had taken photographs of the Hall to show the folks back home. They had been directed to our house by a gentleman they met in the street as they wanted to know more and he told them I was the person who could tell them. I invited them in gave them coffee and cake. Looked at my records and from what they had told me I said no unfortunately you are not related to those Bentley's but you are related to other Bentley's who lived in the village and I showed them  the other Bentley's family tree to prove it. Without a word they stood up and walked out of the front door. I bet they showed "the folks back home" the photographs they had taken of Pannal Hall and said it was their ancestral home. 

More plans in for the ghastly Dunlopillo building which is going to be demolished and another building erected and still two stories higher and still apartments. Is this a foregone conclusion as I have not had an notification from  the Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council saying to object, Have I just missed it and they have asked residents to object? Anyway I have. 

Remember the stray black cat that has been hanging round since covid. Well I still have it. Is it taking me for a mug as it now comes in through the cat flap and sleeps in the utility room. Muggins has provided a bed for it. Don't think Tigs and Marble are that pleased but at least they have not fought as my two seem to have accepted it. They are not friendly but there have been no fights. . 


Friday, 7 January 2022

Pannal and trouble

A very Happy New Year to you all and I hope it will be a good one for you. I had a lovely Christmas with all my family here playing games and eating far to much. Everyone helped so it was brilliant.  The weather was rubbish but fairly warm and we got out when it stopped raining - briefly.  

The day after Boxing Day I thought I would do something in the slow cooker so went to the utility room to get it and when I lifted it up there was water underneath. The central heating was dripping. I had sent everyone over to the rec to play with the toys the grandchildren and the dogs had received from Santa Clause. Then the water started pouring out down the wall flooding the carpet etc. Fortunately they came back and we phoned Safegas who said no you are not under contract to us. I said then why have I been paying you £20,99 per month for years now? Eventually got it all sorted when the staff returned to work the next day (who were we speaking to originally do not know - might have been the tea lady) but we had an afternoon and up  to 10.30 am the next day with no water (Richard had turned it off) and no heating. Thank goodness they were with me as there was no way I could have moved the washing machine, dishwasher and freezer to mop up the water. I went up to the Lakes to spend the New Year with eldest son Michael and his wife Helen and I had a lovely time again playing games and eating far too much also drinking far too much as I was not doing the cooking. Had a couple of lovely walks at Grange-over-Sands and Ulverston. 

Had a visit to Crimple Hall before Christmas and what a splendid food hall. Spent more than I should have but it all looked and tasted so lovely. Restaurant was good too. I hope it is a success. Must admit I am stunned by the success of the coffee place further up as car after car pulls off either going towards Leeds or Harrogate for coffee. 

Have now taken down all the decorations which I was so chuffed to have put up. Big tree and all. The taking down and putting away was worse than the putting up afraid all the cheerful spirit has evaporated,

Tigs and Marble were not at all impressed with the two dogs that were here. Saw them occasionally but if cats can glower they did. I am forgiven now and peace reigns as they are in and on their favourite chairs. One of which is my favourite but I don't have the heart to chuck Tigs off and she knows that. So when I do get sitting in it of a late evening she is on my lap.