Saturday, 19 December 2020

Addition to Save Crimple Valley Part 2

 Preserve Crimple Valley also very much agree with Crimple Valley Country Park. Hopefully if we all work together we can achieve this. I made the very first Tree Preservation Order for Harrogate and it was TPO No 1 Pannal 1969. Let the Crimple Valley Country Park be our biggest achievement. 

Pannal and the Crimple Valley Part 2

 Since I wrote in my blog that I wanted the Crimple Valley to be a Country Park in keeping with Bilton which has Knox Country Park and Jennyfield which has Killinghall Country Park the idea seems to have taken off. I emailed our Councillors both HBC and NYCC. I also wrote to Our MP Andrew Jones who sent a very encouraging letter to me saying "This particular year has highlighted the importance of green spaces for many people across the country and I would like to see green areas protected.In the first instance I have contacted Mr 
Wallace Sampson OBE Chief Executive, Harrogate Borough Council to bring the matter to his attention and ask if Harrogate Borough Council, as land owners, would be in favour of the land being designated as a Country Park". 

Harrogate Borough Council have an appalling record in regards to the Crimple Valley. The land this side of the A61 Leeds Road they wanted to put a gypsy site there. Was this a red herring as their next plan was to build houses. Was this so that they thought the gullible people of Pannal would say oh well that is better than a gypsy site but they were wrong we are not gullible we are astute and knew what they were up to and their plan was defeated. Unfortunately the land the other side of the A61 Leeds Road we have lost to light industry. Goodness me I have lived here so long and been involved in local politics by being Chairman of the Harrogate Civic Society and attending all the council meetings and watching what happens. One time I was nearly thrown out of the Chamber for objecting forcefully to their plan to demolish the Sun Pavilion in the Valley Gardens and build a car park. I formed the Friends of the Valley Gardens and we won.

I have stated to all concerned we re not asking for money so don't come up with the excuse "we are cash strapped" I am just wanting the Crimple Valley to be designated as a Country Park as I feel that if the footpath was to be upgraded Pannal would find the money.We have enough development going on in the village for the developers to help.  Sandy Bank Quarry is safe "for the moment" as I had a SINC put on it but I am keeping my eye on it as "you never know".

I have been joined by our MP, a leading Barrister, Save Crimple Valley and a lady from Burn Bridge called Ethne Bartup who all think this should happen: Crimple Valley be designated a Country Park. In the spring it is a delight with all the wild flowers and the May blossom on the bushes. It was even more of a delight before it was ploughed up as there was a mass of wild flowers with lots of purple orchids. Which in some parts of Yorkshire is treasured. 

Have I written this blog as a rant or with sadness. The latter I think but also with optimism as this can be achieved. 

I would like to wish you all a Christmas as good as you can make it. It will certainly be different but we all have hope for 2021. My book on Pannal and Burn Bridge Past and Present will be out. Spring will come the daffodils will be out, the sun will be warmer.WE HAVE HOPE. 

Friday, 11 December 2020

Pannal and the Crimple Valley

 I am receiving phone calls from people agreeing with me over my idea to turn the Crimple Valley into a Country Park. I even have some Councillors saying it is a good idea. As I said Harrogate (and technically we are Harrogate but I think of Pannal being Pannal) has The Stray, the Nidd Gorge. Killinghall Country Park and Knox Country Park and we were here before Harrogate and HBC has seen to it that we have had a number of houses built around us. We have lost a lot of green spaces so I truly believe we need the Crimple Valley (from behind St Robert's Church to All Saints Court to the A61 Leeds Road protected because believe you me HBC who own the land, being purchased from William Bentley of Pannal Hall in 1962, would dearly love to sell the land for development - lots of houses. All I want is a commitment from the said HBC to say yes and if we need to make the footpaths better we will raise the money to do so but I stress it should be left more or less as it is. Now what about the proposed cycle path up Humphrey Bank Almsford Bank to newcomers. I had heard that the company asked to make the cycle path want to pull out. 

Good that Mill Lane is walkable again but that part near the Burn Bridge end is susceptible to land slides and the we are now seeing a lot of very wet weather. Hopefully it will not happen in the near future.

Who would have thought this time last year that we would have Covid 19 and we would all have had two lockdowns and some places would be in Tier 3. I have two children and their children in Tier 3 and two children their children and me in Tier 2 but for how long as Boris is letting everyone have a free for all for 5 days. Will we be in lockdown in January who knows? Boris has said three families can meet up I have four families. 

Remember Ken Walker our lovely butcher. Ken has had a fall and broken his hip and is in hospital in Leeds. He is 90 so we all wish him well.

The cats are in and Tigs has to be shoved bodily off my chair and she then sits and gives me the evil eye .Little Marble is a numpty and sits/lies in the stupidest of places.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Pannal and Police Training College

Many years ago I was asked to write a history of the Memorial Library at the old Southern College which had a name change to Pannal Ash College now better known now as the Police Training College. Then when plans were afoot for the police to leave I was contacted by their Secretary Margaret Hart, whom I knew, and her boss Terry and asked if I would like any of the memorabilia that was stored there relating to Southern College. If I did not want it no one else did and it would end up in a skip. So my husband and I went up and took it all.. So I now possess all the history of both Colleges, silver cups, school uniforms (a couple) photographs and paintings .I got in touch with the Headmaster -  Walter S. Hill's daughter in Eastbourne and asked her if she wanted the large photo I had of her father and various other ones and she said no. I remained in touch with her for years. Her daughter in Canada phoned me to tell me Shirley had died. I told her about a small stained glass window at the College and she now has a copy of it in her home .Knowing what was going to happen to the buildings, because developers do not care, I applied and had the Memorial Library and the Headmaster's house listed. So they will not be demolished. I have written about the history of both the College and the Police Training College in my latest book on Pannal and Burn Bridge. Gosh it is so interesting being a historian, I love what I do. I trained as a journalist and worked for Celtic Football and the MOD. 

Now we have in Main Street Northern Gas once more looking for the elusive gas leak. They have been a few times on the same spot then across the road where they took part of the boundary wall down.  Now a friend who knew someone from Northern Gas said unless everyone complains they will just repair, what is needed are new pipes. You will have seen what is going on and it is quite dangerous to those of us who drive. The traffic lights take ages to change and I was coming down Church Lane today and I got through the lights but the car behind me jumped them and came right behind me. I always signal my intention to come into my drive but I do know the numpty drivers there are so watch in my rear mirror. Good job I did as they (man and woman) thought I was turning down Rosedale which is on the right and I had my left indicator on and tried to undertake me. This is not an isolated occurrence as one time I got out the car and said to the man in an open topped car what are you doing I indicated left I am not going to turn right and he said yeh but your a woman arn't you..Later on I was talking to my neighbours who have the problem outside their drive when a car came round the corner and very close to us who were standing (social distance apart) on her drive.I We all on Main Street have these problems and it will only get worse with the number of houses being built and house owners using Pannal as a short cut.

I started this blog on a different subject and look where it ended in a rant. So I am going now before it gets any worse. 

Marble and Tigs are now in so winter must be coming and I must make sure I have shut the lounge door as Tigs will make a rush for any bed. Marble doesn't she is a lady and not a thug like Tigs.  


Sunday, 22 November 2020

Pannal and Neighbourhood Plan

 As a result of my writing about wanting to save Crimple Valley from housing and wanting to turn it into a Country Park similar to the ones Harrogate has for Harrogate I was asked to join a group dealing with the Neighbourhood Plan (Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council) Well not to be a Councillor as I do not want to do that but I am happy to help in securing Country Park status for Crimple Valley. Has anyone else volunteered to join this group?  I have lived here nearly sixty years and I and older resident have seen Pannal go from a village to what it is now and what is that? I hate to think of it as a suburb of Harrogate but in the past fifty years we have had in our little village just over 379 houses built and that is not including the ones being built on the old Dunlopillo site. In my latest book I mention all the business's Pannal had and what Pannal and Burn Bridge were like from the 1800s onwards. My book is at the publishers now and it will be on sale next Spring virus permitting. 

When Pannal Village Society, of which I was on committee, decided to create a little patio by St Robert's Church I said I would look after it. I planted a little garden under the new Notice Boards also by PVS and St Robert's Church and I have looked after it ever since. Ever since has been since 2006 (where has the time gone) I weed and clear leaves and this year has been particularly arduous as I believe HBC are not going to clear the leaves from our roads and footpaths so therefore many more come onto the patio. I catch up on the local gossip and also see what goes on round the church car park. I have been surprised at the number of paid dog walkers who drive up in their vans with names on the side and Harrogate also written. I must make it clear that i am not pointing the finger at them as i am sure they are very responsible but I am hearing about dog mess (tied up in bags) being left. I have also seen it as i walk that area. One very kind lady has been picking it up and desposing of it and one other lady walking her dog picks up rubbish that she finds discarded. True Pannal and Burn Bridge heroes, I also did the Information Board there. I supplied the information and it was put together by a gentleman from Spofforth whose business was supplying these board in the villages around. 

I am not going to mention the virus as we are all dealing with it in our own way and I think we have all been brilliant. Many of us have not seen our children for months. Never in our wildest dreams this time last New Year when we all wished each other a Happy New Year what 2020 would turn out to be like. For once we shall all be glad when it is 2021 and the hope is there that we shall sometime in that year be back to normal. That is our fervent prayer and being of Scottish birth I do know what Nichols Sturgeon means when she says she is scunnered. We all are. 

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Pannal Country Park and,,,

Well my idea of a Country Park seems to be kicking off. No one has said oh no that's not a good idea. Not that that would have made any difference to me as all I have achieved in regards to Pannal I have done on my own but it is nice to know I am not on my own this time .I was thinking about my list of achievements re Pannal and I remembered more.  I contacted Peter Fisher who was Conservation Officer at HBC and between us we walked round Pannal and did the Conservation Area about 1984. I had also contacted Peter re Boundary Stones as Bas and I walked all round and found about 51 of them. This was started because Pannal has the first one KF (Knaresborough Forest) 1767 and we mapped them. Then a lovely one I asked at a meeting if anyone thought it a good idea to have two "Christmas" trees planted on Pannal Green to be lit up. Anonymously (well to the general public but I knew who they were) donation to buy the trees and another donor provided the money for the lights also money from PVS and we were away. Then the tragedy three lads from Pannal Green Joe Wilson whom I knew and two brothers were killed in a car crash. As they were Yasmin's paper boys Yasmin and I got together and with donations from customers we bought three seats with plaques on Pannal Green and also there was enough money to provide blue and white lights on the cherry trees as the boys had been Leeds United supporters. Then I decided to replace the stocks and put them on Pannal Green the wood was provided by Frank and Jenny Hird with money from Cllr Cliff Trotter. There used to be stocks in Pannal, every village had them for wrong doers, They had worn out so we replaced them. 

Before we went in to lockdown my eldest son Michael came over and I took him a walk up to Whinney Lane to see the devastation and he said thanks for that mum, our childhood has now been spoiled as we (brothers and sister) used to cycle all round here and it was all green fields. I agree it is awful too many houses and all packed close together and it looks like they have diverted a footpath to build more houses. This is why we need the keep the green fields we have around us. Especially with this awful virus we need to be able to walk over the fields without the fear of them being destroyed. The writing was on the wall for the land the other side of the Leeds Road when HBC let that garage and car showroom etc be built. Way back in the 1970s I with others objected all to no avail .Now we shall just have to wait and see what is proposed for those green fields. Will what is proposed hide the Crimple Viaduct? Up until June/July this year it was possible to walk to the viaduct and going left be underneath it. A place where we picnicked and played in the stream but no longer now all fenced in.

So let's hope sense will prevail and we can protect our Crimple Valley and it will be designated a Country Park. When one looks around Harrogate has Country Parks. Pannal has nothing only the recreation ground. Let's fight for the Crimple Valley Country Park.  

Friday, 30 October 2020

Pannal and Country Parks

Having lived here nearly all my life I believe I know everywhere in Harrogate and I have been walking the County Parks. Killinghall and Knox. As I did so I have been wondering why there is not a Country Park in Pannal.  Almsford Bank is mentioned in a council blurb as a leisure area but we have the Crimple Valley and it would make a great Country Park. When you think how important Pannal was long before Harrogate was thought of I do not feel we have come off very well. Many years ago there was a Director of Technical Services called Ken Corri and I happened to be sitting next to him at a meeting and he said to me you live in Pannal then showed me a map and pointed at the Bilton area and said this is what I want  Pannal to be like, many more houses. Now alive or dead his wish is coming true. That is why I think it is time we, the residents approached our Parish Council and our Councillor and made our feelings known. Bilton and Knox residents have a lovely area to walk in which will never be built upon. We in Pannal know HBC own the Crimple Valley having purchased it from Bentley of Pannal Hall in 1963. The part I am talking of is the land this side of the A61 Leeds Road from behind St Robert's Church.  The Crimple Valley the other side of the Leeds Road also owned by the council and supposedly kept as a lung separating Pannal from Harrogate. That land is doomed and will be built upon. I would like the area including Sandy Bank Quarry to the Leeds Road and up to All Saints Court to be a Country Park. Left wild as it was and perhaps the wild flowers will return. It was so beautiful before it was ploughed up. This area is always under threat from HBC plans for a gypsy site, plans for housing. I am so very afraid for it as it will in time be attacked again. Look around everyone all the area we have is the Recreation Ground and Woods and a small grassed area called Pannal Green. We deserve better. We deserve the Crimple Valley as a Country Park and we deserve to know it will be safe for future generations. 

Friday, 23 October 2020

Pannal achievements with love

Now this is not boasting but I was only thinking today of how much I love living here. So in 1969 with all the building going on Rosedale, Rosedale Close and the demolition of the beautiful Rosehurst. I thought about the trees and how could I protect them. I had never done anything like this before so I rang up the Forestry Commission and a lovely man called Mr King came to see me and we walked round (Me pushing the pram with dog at the side) and we mapped out all the trees we thought were important. I sent it to Mr Hoyle the Borough solicitor and he agreed and so the very first tree preservation order for Harrogate was born. TPO No 1 Pannal 1969. Then some years later Dr Kellner's house just off Westminster Drive, Burn Bridge the owners put in a p/a to have it demolished and houses built on the site. I thought no so put a very good case forward for its retention and it was granted a reprieve .I unfortunately could not save Spacey Houses PH as I had written to HBC to try to when in the middle of one night/very early morning Punch Taverns who owned it sent workmen to take the roof off and that was the end of a very old Hotel which had been used as a meeting place for the Captain and Committee of Pannal Golf Club when they were formed in 1906 and before they had their Clubhouse built. Then Spacey Houses Farm and buildings were in danger of being razed to the ground as HBC owned it and I had such a lot of opposition from Councillors but I contacted English Heritage and persuaded them to send someone up. Took a lot of persuading but he eventually came and said it was not a wasted journey as it was one of the best ancient farmhouse and buildings, barns etc that he had seen so that was saved. I then got in touch with Batchelor the Builders and said they were, in my opinion, good sympathetic builders were they interested and yes they were. Saved Sandy Bank Quarry and had it made a SINC and Crimple Valley behind St Robert's Church which I think we will always have to protect as it is also owned by HBC and considering they want a light industry site on the other part of the Valley we shall always have to protect it. When I look at Pannal Village we have so little green spaces now that what we do have we must look after.  I became Chairman of The Harrogate Society then I formed the Friends of the Valley Gardens and was the first Chairman in order to save the Sun Pavilion which HBC wanted to demolish to build a car park. I can look back on these achievements and just thank goodness I had a very supportive husband who was always there for me. I trained as a journalist which was a great help as I knew my way around but it was my success with the Tree Preservation Orders that set me on this path. One other success was with the help of the villagers the stocks were replaced. I still look after the little patio garden by St Robert and now I shall have to pick up all the leaves but I shall wait until they are all down. I wrote the first book ever written The History of Pannal followed by Postcards from Pannal with the help and kindness of the villagers who were very generous sharing their village history and photographs with me. My new book Pannal and Burn Bridge will be out soon. I am always here to help people who write/email me or come to the door. I have helped two people last week with Pannal queries. I am Pannal Golf Club Historian having written their Centenary Book which fortunately they loved . As I said I am here and willing to, if I can. help or answer questions about Pannal and Burn Bridge places and people. 

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Pannal and Whinney Lane

 On one of my walks around Pannal I thought I will go up Cobler Hill and Whinney Lane and round. Very pleasant to start with then when I reached Whinney Lane devastation. Rows and rows of large houses so very close to existing houses on Castle hill. so very many of them.  One lady I met lives in a bungalow and has a large house looming over her bungalow and garden with windows looking into her bedroom etc. The developers had a meeting with residents and what they said to local enquiries is "we are here to make a profit". In other words we don't care. I listened to Week in Parliament this morning and Boris Johnston said re the development of many many houses we do not want to destroy countryside. Obviously his words do not mean Whinney Lane which is a Lane no longer as houses are being built both sides of it so it is now being widened. There is a "builders footpath" for one to walk down (no cars allowed except for resident access). Go and have a look and you will have a first hand view of countryside being turned into tarmac and buildings. It is so very sad as in  the old days it was so pleasant to walk to the Squinting Cat (when it was a lovely country pub before being altered to what it is now. At least they should benefit from the housing. Who remembers the lovely oak panelled rooms and how they were one of the first places to put meals on with a carvery on a Sunday? Our day for gardening and we were so often stopped by people in cars saying is this the way to the Squinting Cat? Also who remembers the little railway and small engine that ran round the garden and tooks the kids on rides?

On a sort of lighter note my long haired cat Tigs disappeared for three days. I was worried and went round the quarry as I know there are foxes there and as we back/front onto to it it is where she goes. Went round the school to see if she had been shut in saw Jane head teacher and mentioned why I was there. She said she would keep an eye open for her. Next morning the stupid cat wanders in without a care in the world no shame. Last time I am looking for you and getting soaking in the process I said, she just looked and said and where is the food I am starving. I did email Jane and tell her stupid was back. 

Since I published my email address last blog people have been using it to ask about people and places in Pannal. Great I am happy to answer queries. My blog can be read by just going onto google and typing Anne Smith Pannal. 

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Pannal Blog and comments

 My whole website was changed (why do they do this when one is perfectly happy with it) anyway have just looked at my comments. Can Sandra and Alan get in touch. If they would like to. My email address is Also please Graeme Bentley in Australia with whom I had correspondence many years ago re Websters, Pannal End. Also anyone else who would like to be in touch with me. 

Pannal and me

 I am I hope ok now having got over the broken ribs and my leg injury. I played golf yesterday for the first time since last October and what a fantastic day I picked. Could it be the last day we were all without jumpers. It was hot and sunny. Shall not say a lot about the golf. My tee shots were great but I could not putt to save my life but they always say that when you have a long lay off its the putting that goes. It was lovely but different to be back.

Seems awhile since a wrote a blog as I have been busy finishing of my book on Pannal and Burn Bridge. It is with my publisher who is a friend and I was hoping to have the book out for Christmas but he has advised me to wait as I will not be able to have a launch. So unfortunately that is what I shall have to do. It makes sense what he is advising me. Hopefully something to look forward to as I have enjoyed writing it and I sincerely hope you enjoy reading it. I do have some more bits to add but the bulk of it has been done.

We are all just waiting to see what happens with this virus but I just listen to the news on the radio in the morning and do not watch any other news on tv it is too depressing and there is not a lot we can do about it except be sensible and hopefully we will be safe. I am so pleased the Crimple Valley has been saved as I walk it and love it .I also have great affection for Sandy Bank Quarry and in the Spring it is so very beautiful covered in bluebells. Something we can all look forward to when these dark nights are over and Spring is just round the corner.  Do you realize that when Harrogate Borough Council wanted to build houses at the rear of St Robert's Church they were taking away the only bit of walking country we, in Pannal, have. I have walked all round Harrogate and surrounding areas and Bilton has lovely surrounding countryside - the Nidd Gorge, the cycle and pedestrian path from there to Ripley. Jennyfield has their Country Park, Harrogate has The Stray. I could go on but the point is Pannal and Burn Bridge were going to left with not a lot. Just got back to walking down Mill Lane when it is now closed again. 

I feel it is so sad that the Crimple Valley on the other side of Leeds Road will be light industry. All the Crimple Valley was supposed to be protected as a wedge to separate Harrogate from Pannal so that Pannal kept its identity.I make no excuses about defending Pannal and Burn Bridge. I love living here and I will always defend it as I have done for over fifty years and been successful in thwarting builders and HBC.  

I have heard of two people who have had the virus and are recovering now thank goodness. I will not name them as they might not want be to be named but I am so glad you have both recovered.

Notice the planters in Pannal. Planted by the Parish Council so well done. Also the speed signs, nice to be greeted by a smiley face. Although when coming up or down the village I take pleasure in driving at just under 20mph and annoying the drivers behind me who want to tear through the village. Although it can be a hazard where I live - just opposite Rosedale - as some numpty drivers when I am indicating to come into my drive coming up or down Main Street they think I am turning down Rosedale and try to overtake or in some cases undertake. Scary. 

Also pleased that the big pile of rubbish, not only garden waste but bricks and bags etc has been cleared up thanks to HBC. Now I know it is behind the old farm but on one of my walks in the evening, I saw a rat going into the rubbish pile. Now if it was living and breeding there it was a danger to the houses on Pannal Green so well done all the rubbish being removed.

I know I have two cats Marble and Tigs but apart from coming in for food I am not seeing much of them. This will change when the weather gets colder. Will be nice to have their company as I think we are all dreading the dark nights and the thought of no Halloween, no Bonfire Night, and most of all what is going to happen at Christmas? There are normally fifteen of us get together over Christmas and New Year so fat chance of that happening for me and for everyone else. I do not want to finish on that miserable note so just remember we shall all get through this some how or other. Yes we will!!  

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Pannal and development

I went up to have a look at Pannal House Farm and met Iain McGregor on his digger in the front garden. He was telling me that he wanted to keep the Farm buildings and restore them but HBC Planning said no. Then he put plans in to demolish and rebuild using the same stone they said no again.The buildings which were lovely and could have been restored have now been left so long that might not be possible as they are very damp. So he is in between a rock and a hard place but having lived here so long I know a lot of people so I asked one of them if he could help Ian and he said yes. They have spoken so hopefully there might be a better outcome. 
Then someone informed me that there has been a change of builder at the old Pannal Ash College/Police Training College and they were demolishing buildings. A few years ago a friend Margaret was Secretary there and she and her boss Terry were wondering what to do with all the memorabilia there was from when it was a school. Light bulb moment "have a word with Anne Smith." so they did and Bas and I went up to meet them. Were shown round the buildings which were lovely all fully furnished. I had been in the Memorial Library years before that when I wrote its history and took an invoice of what it contained. I asked what is happening to it. Answer probably demolished and everything thrown in a skip. Upshot was I came home and applied to have the building listed as a War Memorial as that is what it was built for and dedicated as a Library to the boys from the school who had fallen in the First World War and opened by the Earl of Harewood. I have written the full story in my latest book. Not out yet but I am seeing my publisher next week. The Memorial Library was listed by me in 2014. The builders have been informed so it will not be demolished together with the Headmaster's House. In its hey day what a wonderful spot. It had everything.
Oh I nearly forgot I have everything silver cups presented to the boys, photos, their magazine.I was their skip and my husband said as husband's do "where are you going to put it all?" and I said as all wives do "I'll find a place" and I did.  
I had a walk yesterday up to Whinney Lane and sadly all those houses 240 odd and a school. Whinney Lane will be closed to traffic if they get their way and I bet they will widen the road by removing the verges changing from a Lane to a highway. Some of the houses at Castle Hill will have homes right at the bottom of their gardens with windows facing them. I am not chuffed with HBC as I think they are the worse Council we have ever had but they might be only be  partly to blame as they did ask farmers in the district to approach them with land for building. Castle Hill Farm is also a lovely house and it will remain. 
I am not golfing as yet another accident that I will not bore you with so at home a bit more. Now if I had a dog it would be saying "how lovely to see you, I like having you around and I love you" but I have cats. who say " what are you doing here all the time". 

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Pannal surrounded

I do not want to add to the woes of the world. Pannal has been lucky with this virus but Pannal will not be so lucky to be surrounded by all the housing nor will Beckwithshaw, There are plans, having built houses all down the left hand side of the Otley Road from Harrogate,. plans are afoot to build 8OO or more houses on the right hand side just below Harlow Carr Gardens. We are loosing our green fields. I have just been up to the old Police Training Ground to have a look at the Memorial Library which I had listed on 14th October 2014. I am writing in my book about this area, I am quite an authority on Southern College and Pannal Ash College who were there before the Police Training College took over as I have all the memorabilia from both those Colleges. The Memorial Library is still there and it is a beautiful building which at one time was in danger of being demolished but not now as I have it listed. I have informed the Harlow Residents Assoc of this fact. There are now new builders on the site and the house numbers have gone significantly up as they want to build smaller houses .For the locals a sad fact.
 Ever wondered why we have so many police cars through the village. We are a short cut to their new Headquarters.
 Have heard that horrible pile of rubbish at the rear of St Roberts Church will be moved and notices put up warning against fly tipping. Not before time as there are rats around and I am sure Pannal Green residents do not want those invaders. 
Older residents will remember Pat Lamb. Well she is still going strong having celebrated another birthday. Only sad thing is her family cannot get in to see her and most of all we are missing hugs. I have seen two of my children which was so lovely but my other two live too far away so I have not seen them and this is the first time in our lives we have not seen each other for so long.
Yesterday a council lorry stopped outside our houses in Main Street. We looked on in horror what now?. One man took out traffic signs go and stop put them on the pavement. What were they going to dig up. Then another man got off the lorry threw the signs in the back and off they went. Hugh sigh of relief but what was all that about. perhaps just to scare us!
I had to wander round to the school at the weekend as Tigs had not come home. Then she appeared so I emailed Jane to say if I was caught on the CCTV I was looking for Tigs. Marble always around when I come in if I am using the car she always appears to greet me. I am pleased I have them and I am also pleased we have the Crimple Valley as I do so enjoy walking it up to the Viaduct. 


Saturday, 20 June 2020

Quiet Pannal

Oh I hate when there is change. My Blogger post has changed so I am trying this new version in the hope that it might appear. Might not but you will never know.
Certainly been very quiet in the village these past few weeks but think traffic is starting to be a bit more now and still at the same fast speed. When we used to do our clapping on Thursdays everyone used to come out but since we have stopped don't see many people now. I went into town today, first time, I needed to go to Bass and Bligh to have same slides printed for the book on Pannal and Burn Bridge. I never take the car into the centre of town a. Can never find a space and b. I refuse to pay for parking (Miser). Always have parked outside or walked in from here. I walk across The Stray and I have never seen it so busy. Lots of people in groups, some had brought chairs, most had picnics. I did not stay long as I did not want to see, perhaps, litter being left. I have remarked on it before and either just get a stare or told to get a life or the two fingered salute. Now these people are not from Harrogate are they surely not. I have been just walking the Crimple Valley up towards Follifoot but I had a walk along Abbey Road last week. Parked at St James got some things from Boots then my walk. Walked all the way to Conningham Hall round there and the field then thought Ah I have to walk back and it does seem a long way now as no tea rooms no toilet think perhaps this was a mistake to go so far. Anyway I made it and enjoyed it. Crimple Hall open has been for awhile apparently so purchased some compost. I have seen Susan and Michael. It was so lovely seeing them as I had not seen anyone since beginning of March. We sat in the garden. James and Richard live to far  away to visit so do not know when I shall see them but we Skype and Zoom so that helps.Has been a great help to all of us being able to do this. Also met a friend in the Valley Gardens. Had an ice cream and sat on a bench suitable distance apart. One thing I miss is not being able to give and receive hugs.
I don't get hugs from the cats but I do get lots of licks. They obviously think that I like that but I am not so sure.  
I was sent this which I think it good
Strange things that start in later life
Feet are further down the legs
Doctors start practicing at the age of twelve
Sofas are deeper
Names are less memorable
Keys, glasses and books disappear
Shoe soles are more slippery
Jar lids are tighter
Shopping is heavier
Noses drip
Being called dear isn't as complimentary as it once was.

Sunday, 31 May 2020

Pannal and the Rocket

Last night I went out twice to see the two man Rocket launched from America. First time nothing second time at 10.17pm I saw the rocket. It was going from west to east and was clearly visible although far away. It was darkish on the ground but light clear sky and I was able to see its lights. That is trying not to fall over the cat as she kept trying to go under my feet. Do not want another fall. I am on the mend with my ribs. still cannot take deep breaths or carry weights on my right side but getting there. Try not to break ribs because next to toothache and earache this is very painful. Spent the first night in the chair but have now made it to the bed. Being careful not to turn to quickly.
Well I think we have had our last Thursday of clapping the NHS but also us for being so good. Self isolating and obeying instructions.My neighbours are suggesting that until we are fully out of lockdown we should carry on meeting at 8pm on a Thursday as long as we have nice nights. Good idea.  The weather has indeed helped it has been wonderful. Hopefully I might be able to see some of my family at a safe distance. I said for them to pretend they were Estate Agents and come into the house but I do not think they will wear that suggestion.
I have been doing my shopping with Steve at the Post Office as his fruit and veg is lovely and I very often meet villagers doing the same. Also Coop very handy. Thank goodness we have both these shops and thank goodness we have the Crimple Valley it has been a life saver for me. Although now getting difficult to cross the Leeds Road to carry on the walk as traffic back and why they have to speed along that part of the road I cannot think.They race to get in front of one another then have to slow down as it is a 30 zone.
Must admit people are a lot nicer now everyone speaks or waves. Do hope that continues as I always have spoken when I am passing people in the village even when I do not know them. Probably because I have lived here for fifty five years and everyone spoke. Especially on a Saturday morning when we all went up to the butchers. Ken Walker was 90 last week. We keep in touch. Who remembers the lovely surprise party Shirley Wilson and I and all the village gave Ken when he retired?
I have hardly been in the house these past months. Been in the garden with the cats. Last night came in to the house, cats followed me and jumped on top of the dresser. Where have their manners gone?  We are all turning feral. All still stay safe.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Pannal me and isolation

Like everyone I have been so good. Having my walk and gardening. Last week I went to post a letter and it was a nice evening so I thought I shall have a walk in the Crimple Valley. Shall I. No I shall go home. No I shall go a walk. Went over the Leeds Road onwards and thought I shall go up through the woods and down the Follifoot Road to the Public Footpath and home. Going through the woods something caught round my ankle and as I was in mid  step I came crashing down. Honestly just like a felled tree.  Oh it was sore and I winded myself. Lay there for a minute. Got up thought I am ok so walked back home. Came in made a cup of tea sat down . My legs started shaking I went to get up found I could not move for the pain. I eventually did manage to get off the chair. Had a dreadful night so painful.All down my right side and back.See I was in two minds about walking and this is what happened. Need not have done as I was very half hearted about going. Made the wrong decision. Hey ho.   My children said for God sake Mum call the Doctor. I eventually did and he said I am not going to send you to the hospital or the surgery I will ask you some questions and ask you to move. Conclusion I have broken some ribs. Strong pain killers prescribed. Dr said  I have done them now and they are at the chemist ring them. I rang Day Lewis, told them what had happened and that I could not get out. They were so good and said we shall deliver them to you straight away. Bit longer in isolation for me. The Golf Course is open I cannot play, I cannot do much gardening. My neighbours are brilliant helping me. I want to try and do some walking. Only thing I cannot do is carrying anything on my right side. So remembering when we all had children to carry I am using my left side. I will get there but it is a nuisance.
When we had our VE Day Celebrations I sent some photographs that were taken to the Harrogate Advertiser as they had asked me to send them. Did they print them no they did not. They printed 3 photos of the same street and another 3 photos of another street in Harrogate. Well it is called the Harrogate Advertiser they have probably never heard of Pannal.
 SCD Nynet have gone from Main |Street laying cables. If this was for quicker connections it is not working. We have noticed no difference, slow as ever. I thought all firms had to abide by Health and Safety Rules but the workmen were using drills creating a lot of dust and they had no protection no goggles or face masks.Also I had over my wall a jumper. a shirt and what looked like a pair of trousers.They were there all night. Question what did he wear to go home? Sorry can't answer that one. Also Pannal Green they dug a trench right across where the daffodils are. Such a shame if they do not come up next year.
Wonder if we are still clapping on a Thursday at 8pm I clap for NHS but I also clap for us as we are all being brilliant.
Poor Tigs and Marble cannot sit on my knee at the moment too painful and when they try to I say no and they just look at me and say WHAT.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Pannal and VE Day

Having lived in the same house in Pannal nearly all my life 55 years - where has the time gone? I know nearly everyone but not everyone knows everyone but going out to clap on a Thursday at 8pm has brought people together. I thought ok I shall put notes through all my neighbours letter boxes asking them to come out on Friday 8th May VE Day with a drink - beer, spirits, wine soft drinks tea if you fancy and we would all meet up Main Street and this end of Rosedale and if they agreed to give me the thumbs up when we met on the Thursday 7th. Overwhelming thumbs up. So I put out the flags I had including my Yorkshire and Scotland ones wandered down the drive with my glass of beer and everyone came out. It was really lovely. I introduced people who did not know each other. The evening was a brilliant success and I had so many messages from neighbours saying thank you we really enjoyed it. Thursdays now we will all gather and we will all know each other. Friendships will have been made and hopefully kept after lock down ends. Whenever that will be. A thought I had no matter what one thinks of Margaret Thatcher she was a scientist same as Angels Merkle and I think we would have fared better. Boris was too complacent to start with.With hindsight the virus and isolation will be looked back on and oh yes it will be decided UK could have done better.This is not like the Second World War. This is unheard of and the virus is world wide and very very scary. At least in the war there was entertainment and pubs and restaurants were open and we had Winston Churchill saying we will win and the moral was high. I do not remember the War but my Dad who was a War hero having many medals and being decorated - DSM (Distinguished Service Medal) -by King George VI started as a boy seaman and was in the Royal Navy for 22 years being in many battles and very nearly loosing his life on many an occasion. He Passed over the Bar ( Naval parlance for died) in Harrogate and had a Military Funeral with the sailors of HMS Forest Moor in attendance. Mum meanwhile like many Mums at home looking after children and dreading THE telegram coming.We survived and we will survive again against this unseen enemy. Obey the rules and stay safe. When I clap on a Thursday I clap not only for the NHS but more so for us, our children and grandchildren. We are all being brilliant.So give yourselves a clap.
We are all loving the lack of traffic in the village. We can all hear bird song. Everyone speaks to everyone else and smiles. This has come out of lock down and it is wonderful. Long may that continue. Lack of traffic won't and everyone is dreading that.
Howard West who is Chairman of Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council has finished writing his bit in the Harrogate Advertiser about Pannal but I have heard that a lady in Burn Bridge has taken the column over.
Tigs and Marble love me being at home and when we go out to clap they come too. They wander down the drive to see everyone. They are turning more like dogs every day. They even follow me down the village when I go to post a letter.
WE shall have big celebrations when this is over. Watch this space.....

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Pannal still here but are we?

Not only Pannal but the world has never seen anything like this. I do not remember the Second World War but I remember my parents talking about it. My Dad joined the Royal Navy as a boy seaman and so had years of experience when he was sent to defend Britain.He won the Distinguished Service Medal for an act of extreme bravery and my Mum like thousands of other mums was on the Homefront hoping that they never received the dreaded telegram. Uk was fighting a common enemy there was the awful Blitz but there was companionship, there was entertainment, there were restaurants and pubs open. The morale was high. There was a marvellous community spirit both at home and with the Forces and they had the brilliant Winston Churchill who told everyone We were going to Win. We would beat Germany. Coming up to VE Day in May. That spirit of euphoria not with us now as we battle this dreadful, dreadful virus. We do not know the answers. We are in lockdown. We cannot meet up with our families, we cannot meet friends. We are told to protect the NHS by staying in. We are clapping on a Thursday at 8pm to thank the NHS but I think we should not only clap them for keeping us safe but applaud ourselves for staying safe for our own sake and for the sake of others. Now that is my stirring bit over. Applaud yourselves.
Pannal not as quiet as it was. In Main Street the traffic lights are back. Are they looking for the elusive gas leak or is it something else? Probably find out soon. I have been going on lovely walks through the Crimple Valley across Leeds Road and up to the Viaduct or through the woods but one is taking their life in their hands now as more traffic on Leeds Road and the cars that are there are going so fast. Where are they all going? I always tread carefully crossing  that road as my friends parents-in-law were killed doing just that. So that is always on my mind. One day last week gave up as it was deadly so many fast cars.
Interesting on social media people are putting photographs of paths on and saying do you know where this is I have just walked it. Answer yes we have always known where that is so pleased you are out walking and you have found this well trodden path. least they are out walking. Only good thing about this virus people are discovering where they live.
Steve at the Post Office is always so smiley and I am pleased he is doing well. Lovely fruit and veg. Also pleased we now have the co-op. When I think of all the shops Pannal had and then there were none when Ken Walker the butcher left only the Post Office which is now better than it was. My children have fond memories of the VG and of past winters taking a sledge down to the shop and collecting the bread order. There were so many children in Pannal. They played together and made dens it was wonderful. Now all the children gone but we the parents are still here. I was married here and have lived here ever since and I love Pannal. Wonder if i will be able to get my book out by Christmas I do not know. There is a lot to do that I need to be able to meet people etc so I do not know but I will plough on.
After the lovely sunny weather that we have had and which I hope returns soon Tigs and Marble have reverted to their winter habits and come in to find their comfy spots usually on top of me. Sometimes wet as well.
I am thinking of us all. Keep safe and we shall get through this. 

Monday, 20 April 2020

Pannal in lock-down or is it?

Is the virus in the village. Yes it has been but people who have had it say they are now immune.Can't confirm that as nobody knows as yet.
I have a lovely walk each day across and round Crimple Valley. Have always done this as I live very near and it is always one of the last places to lose the sun. Last week I needed some money so thought I will walk across the Valley and then walk up Leeds Road to the Post Office when it is closed. Have my gloves on and use their ATM. So off I went. God how boring is walking up Leeds Road. Two cars (only ones on the road) coming in the direction of Leeds or Bradford to Harrogate and one overtook the other!!! Then when I reached the new football area there were some big lads and some young ones with their Dads kicking a ball around.Is that allowed? One of my neighbours across the road said he was furious as at the rec a Mercedes car pulled up and a Dad with two children walked over the rec and he lifted the children over the railings and into the closed play area. 
Myself and my neighbours have never seen so many people walking around with maps. Two stopped me and asked where Mill Lane was. I told them as they obviously wanted to walk to Burn Bridge what I did not tell them was the path was closed because of a landslip. Oh I am mean but they were strangers.We are all being good and walking round our area. Some people are walking not around their area. Oh perhaps I am being rotten and they are entitled to but most villagers are keeping to Pannal.
Thank goodness the weather is so lovely and thank goodness we have gardens. So very sorry for those that don't.
Cats love this isolation as the summerhouse is open all day and they are in lolling around on the comfy chairs in the sun and out of the wind. Followed by me catching up on reading after gardening. I skype with my big family every day so that is great and my lovely young neighbours get me some shopping on a Friday. I text my publisher to say I am not writing the book, at the moment, as I am making the most of the weather. Terry text back to say Yes that is what you should do as this weather can't carry on forever. Apart from family skyping the "highlight" of the week is Thursday 8pm when we all are out clapping.
After last times rant I had a few emails with people agreeing. Happy for you to email me as I will always answer you.

Friday, 10 April 2020

Pannal in isolation

Don't usually start my blog with a rant. Now I know I have had rants before somewhere in the column but this one has made me mad. The Crimple Valley is on my doorstep and I have been walking it. It is big enough to avoid people and it is lovely all of it right up to Fulwith Mill or Follifoot Road but the part behind St Robert's Church so many people are using it that I have never seen before. They are coming down Main Street with maps in their hands and most of them have dogs. A couple of evenings ago after a long day in the garden I went for a short walk behind the school and up towards Sandy Bank Quarry and in the distance I wondered who had planted the daffodils. When I got closer I saw no not daffodils yellow bags of dog poo. A change from the usual black bags that are to be seen. Now the fields have been ploughed to plant wheat and coming back along the footpath I stepped in by the remains of the old tree that blew down a couple of years ago as there was a well built young man coming along and his dog had a poo in the ploughed field and he just kicked soil over it. I was on my own he was a big lad. I did not say hello as I normally do but I was so annoyed. People are coming into Pannal who do not live here (hence the maps) and it is so annoying. I wrote about this on Neighbours site and other people have said yes the Pinewoods, the cricket ground, Hookstone Woods are in the same state. What is the matter with the idiots. Why go to a beauty spot and then desecrate it? Some people have been threatened when they have tackled these idiots and others have been afraid of the dogs. What does one do? Just hope this is soon over and they will stop coming to Pannal. Ok rant over but I am still annoyed.
Walking down Church Lane last week I had to step out onto the road as there were two lads on bikes on the pavement. Think this is the wrong way round but nowadays cannot be sure.
The footpath from Mill Lane to Malthouse Lane has been closed off as there has been a landslip at the Malthouse end and it will not re- open until August.
I know of some people in Pannal and Burn Bridge who have had the virus and recovered. So bad news and good news.I am in two minds about the Conference Centre/Nightingale Hospital.HAS BEEN STATED VICTIMS OF THE VIRUS ARE TO BE OR BEING BROUGHT THERE FROM ALL OVER NORTH YORKSHIRE. (did not mean this to be in capitals but cannot be bothered deleting and typing again) Wonder if we would have needed that if we still had the General Hospital.(there was the General and the District) Always thought that was a mistake demolishing it.
Last night out again clapping. Last Thursday I went out and stood in the middle of the road - no cars (one benefit) and started clapping. All on my own for a minute and feeling like a numpty. Then everyone came out. This Thursday we clapped and shouted see you next Thursday.
I have done so much gardening a weed dare not show its head. Bins not collected, mine is very full. When it is collected I have an enormous pile of branches etc to fill it up again.
My lovely daughter before all this (virus) started brought me some cat food but unfortunately she brought wrong type of biscuits and I never noticed. So when I put them out I noticed then so did the cats. They took one look at them looked at me said "and this is - I'm going out". Well they have had to eat them - nothing else - so have got used to them. I have two lovely young neighbours and they are getting me some shopping. I am ok freezer wise as I have always kept a well stocked freezer when there was six of us to feed. Still do for unexpected visitors or even expected ones.
Enjoy Easter as best we can and Stay Safe.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Pannal Pandemic or Panic

Has Pannal gone through something like this before. Answer yes The Black Death when the Vicar of Pannal died but for us this is unheard of. Pandemic they (the powers that be) say we have not reached that yet. Very scary. Panic well beginning of last week before we were all told to self isolate car after car after car coming off the A61 and into the Coop. I saw them as I was walking around then thought I could do with some milk so went in. No milk, no bread, no fruit, toilet paper do not understand that one. Now of course we are all self isolating. Good job we all have freezers and had been keeping them stocked - in case the family come unexpected and need to be fed - not hoarding. What is wrong with people? Good job the weather is lovely and we can get out in the garden and our once a day walk.
Having listened, as we all have over the years, to Churchill's speeches Boris is no Churchill. I just hope he knows what he is doing.
The Golf Course is closed Club House and Course. We have all paid a very large sum of money to be members and play the course so it looks like that is all wasted money. There are many worse off than being a member of a golf course but I am writing about Pannal.
Now a couple of weeks ago the kids were here and they left a bowl of raisins and nuts that they did not eat. It was in the kitchen and what possessed me to shove a nut in my face I do not know when I do not even like nuts but I broke a bottom tooth. I was due this week to have it repaired (it can be saved but how) when I received the phone call appointment cancelled. Aaagghh. Good job self isolation in some ways.
We are allowed one daily walk so I have been going to quiet places (I know a lot) Crimple Valley one of them. There might be dog walkers there but it is big enough for everyone to avoid contact. The footpath straight across is fine. Bits still wet and a need to deviate but ok. I did notice that the fence alongside the River Crimple was broken in some places and it is a designated footpath and at one end completely impassable because bushes have been allowed to grow (large and thorny ones). When this virus is over and it will be shall have to get in touch with relevant people. If you would like to also report it John Mann our local councillor and HBC and probably NYCC are the ones in charge.
Main objective is everyone stay safe and we will beat this.
Now if I had dogs they would be saying oh how lovely you being with us we love you so. Cats why are you at home all day? 

Monday, 9 March 2020

Pannal and books

A few years ago my friend and I asked the GPO if we could adopt keep clean and tidy and put books in the telephone box outside the Hairdressers on Station Road in the village and how do we go about this. Answer was we offer obsolete boxes (which this one is) for one pound and villagers can use them for books but do you have a Parish Council. Yes. We can only give it to them. So we asked the Parish Council and their answer was no. We thought it would be a good idea as we do not have a bus that comes in to the village and older people, without cars, find it a drag up a steep hill to catch the number 36 Bus. We were rather sad that we were turned down but now I see someone is putting books in said box. Good on you. I tidied it up this morning as with the winds some books had fallen on the floor. Shall put some books in too. A brilliant idea and well done you.

Having another two book signings for our book A Souvenir Guide to the Valley Gardens price five pounds. First one Saturday 28th March from 10-12.30 in Waterstones and second one in WH Smiths Saturday 4th April from 10 to 12.30. Come and say hello.We are doing another re-run. All the money we raise from selling the books is going into this. Have sold 1000 so nearly there. I am also getting on with Pannal and Burn Bridge Book. I asked my children what did they think I should call it and I should not have bothered as names suggested were Carry on Pannal. Lost in Pannal.  Pannal and the Tardis, Harry Potter comes to Pannal. Too many to mention but you get the idea and they were quite put out when I said no I don't think so.  I might have been better asking the cats.

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Pannal and my life

Just thought I would tell you that at long last HBC will put a bollard near the patio garden (by St Robert's Church) and I shall not be killed by cars. I cannot tell you how many times I have been doing the garden and clearing up and a car has driven onto the pavement to avoid the speed bump. One time in particular a very near miss and two people who were coming out of the church service (Thursday morning) shouted. I was able to stand up and get out of the way. Too fast to get the number plate also the wall obscured the rear plate.  I did say to HBC that either a bollard or a plaque in memory of me. It is not there yet but I am in hope. The bollard not the plaque.
Also whilst I am having a rant two traffic incidents to be aware of. First one I was waiting outside Pannal Golf Club near the yellow hatching (that one is not allowed to be in) when this 4x4 overtook our long line of cars and went into the yellow hatching then through the traffic lights. Dunfounded we all were. Same day I was on Leadhall Lane first in the queue of cars waiting for the lights to change when another 4x4 came alongside me. I assumed he was turning right but no he turned left with me. What a shock at least my last words on this earth would have been a prayer and not a swear word. I will leave it to you to decide is Christ a prayer or a swear word?
I have started on Pannal and Burn Bridge book and the plan is to have it ready by Christmas. Publishers are Terry from Smith Settle whom have been brilliant on my books.I am on to my seventh. Not all on Pannal. Gosh I have lived here so long and seen so many changes. I know so many people and the ones that I know are lovely but I must say that fifty odd years ago everyone spoke. People coming towards you or people passing you. Now it is entirely different. Ones coming towards you very often avert their eyes.The other day a man overtook me passing Pannal Green. We were the only two on the pavement. As he passed me I said Good Morning and he nearly fell over but did answer. So all of us smile or say something. It would be so much nicer.
Ah ha I think I have had three rants so will go now and get on with what I am supposed to be doing.
Cats are snuggled up together as they say they are frozen. I said they are not the heating is on but they both just gave me a long lingering look that said Really.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Pannal and Burn Bridge

I should have said I am writing a book about Pannal and Burn Bridge Past and Present not just Pannal. Hope to have it out by Christmas, Reason I am doing this is because I am being told (by new residents) when I do talks. You know so much you should write a book. Answer I have written two. A History of Pannal and Postcards from Pannal both out of print but sometimes pop up on Amazon. My other book A Centenary History of Pannal Golf Club 1906 to 2006 is also sometimes there. All more expensive than they were originally. This will be my seventh book as I have written others not connected with this area. Keeps me out of mischief and also at the moment no golf, no gardening and out walking being blown stupid by the wind. Compared to other places we are lucky. Knaresborough when we went, it being half term last week, was flooded in places and Marigold's on Waterside closed. We managed on Tuesday to walk through the park at Otley but the next day we could not have as the river had burst its banks. York was a no no. Not  many people walking around at the moment. All in cars. The snow was a surprise on Monday morning and my grandchildren were all so annoyed as they all live down south and very rarely see snow and they missed it here by one day. Cats not so chuffed either. They are sharing a bed as they say they are cold. They are not but they insist they are.Today is dry and sunny. I have had washing out and it dried but can't see that weather lasting.
Hey how about emailing me with news. Be interested in what you have to say. When I wrote for the Harrogate Advertiser I was inundated with emails and telephone calls. I trained as a journalist and it is always very gratifying to hear people saying I am a nice  one as I write lovely stories about them. I still receive emails and in the summer I have people looking for relatives that used to live here or are buried in St Robert's churchyard. I have records of whose buried there and at Beckwithshaw so it is easy for me to look people up. I have many many photographs and information on Pannal and Burn Bridge. Photographs that are not in my other two books but will be in this third one.

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Pannal - what's going on

I went up to Pannal Memorial Hall yesterday as they were holding an Open Day for everyone to see the plans they have for the building and what plans.It is going to look so good and be a credit to the village with a new entrance bypassing the main hall leading to other rooms. A far cry from when we used to go and have our babies weighed there and then there was the Women's League of Health and Beauty where we used to to exercises to music by Peta on the piano and Eileen teaching us. Then we would go across the road to the bakery and cafe and have a lovely cake. Well we deserved it!! Bakery and cafe and shop no longer there. They were situated just up from the Post Office. Still in this area the road is now through from Pannal to Leeds Road A61 and already being well used. We were told that this road was going to be a lot smaller in width but no two cars can easily pass each other on it.A worry for locals as the post office is used by many elderly residents and also school children who will now have to cross the "new"road.  Also the old ghastly Dunlopillo building, a planning application has gone in to make it even taller and also built another 29 houses behind it on the land that was going to be light industry. We in Pannal fear that the application will be passed as it seems the Ward Bros get what they want. This land went to Public Inspection and it was ruled that it would be light industry. The Ward Bros (Forward) had already purchased it and would you believe it the Planning Inspectors judgement of light industry was ignored and housing was approved. Now how did that happen? Wonder if the parking area in front of the ghastly old Dunlopillo building has been purchased from the firm in Halifax that own it? How Harrogate Borough Council think they are going to solve the traffic problem here and in Harrogate I do not know with the number of houses they are allowing to be built and have they worked out that the residents will all have cars. We all have cars nowadays.
The police were in attendance yesterday as well as representatives from all the groups that use the hall, The Parish Council want to resurrect the Neighbourhood Watch Schemes and I said we in Main Street are covered and have been for many years. When the Scheme first started we had Ken Hall then Geoff Holberry now Trevor Hughes. Who are the others in other areas? If you know can you please let me or the Parish Council know.
The road works plus building works are driving us all nuts, Apart from the fact that one morning I could not see to get my car out as VANS were parked all down the road and I could not see round them. I was sitting in the car wondering what to do. Should I ask one of my neighbours to see me out when I heard a tap on the back window and a lady who was coming up Main Street came and said I see you are having problems can I see you out. THEY hopefully have found the gas leak and taken down part of my neighbours wall and dug up part of their garden. We are hoping they will put everything to rights and then go and taking all their stuff with them. What is happening on Church Lane I do not know but it does seem to have coincided with the building of houses.The point of all the traffic lights is making drivers who do not live here go so much faster when they see a green light. I was turning into my drive and I always stop and see if there is anyone behind me when this car shot through and tried to overtake me on the inside. We are all suffering these problems and thinking of getting notices printed and displayed in the car saying "We live here".
Cats are speaking to me now but I think I am on my last warning.

Saturday, 11 January 2020

Happy New Year Pannal

I had and I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year. All the family came here and I fed 15 of us for a week. Favourites like the Desperate Dan pie, large roast ham, potato scones and of course the turkey with turkey soup etc. I make a large Christmas cake, Christmas pud also large, 5 scone loaves,Ginormus trifle and of course the Clootie Dumpling. I believe I am conned into all this as the family say Oh but Mum you do it so well.
My bedroom is the biggest so I had in my room the two youngest grandchildren Bethany aged 7 and Daniel age 4. The first morning I woke up with two faces (very near my face) staring at me. Fortunately that did not continue every morning. Just after Christmas I went down to Cheltenham and then onto Bristol to stay with Richard and family and James and family., My other two children Susan and family in the Peak District and Michael and family in the Lake District. Really great for us all to be together. We have a family holiday every year - brilliant get together.

The workmen have descended on Pannal. Church Lane traffic lights and road dug up for a long way. Now is it a gas leak top of Main Street? More traffic lights. Now have a number of vans with flashing light a large spotlight and a large digger. This has been going on since yesterday afternoon.

Cyclists are now asking for a route through the Crimple Valley from behind St Robert's Church to Almsford Bank and they would like street lights to light their way. Why they cannot make a cycle path on the A61 up to Almsford Bank is beyond me. The pavement is very little used by pedestrians so that would be ideal.

A friend of mine who used to live on Crimple Meadows son came to visit Pannal after many years away and reported back to his Mum the traffic was awful cars parked everywhere.He is right. A couple of weeks ago I could not see to come out of my drive as there were large vans and cars parked all the way up and also on the other side of the road from me. I really did not know what to do as I could not see round them. Then I lady came over and said I can see you are having trouble I will guide you out. That was so kind.

Our book A Souvenir Guide to the Valley Gardens is doing very well and we have sold 1000 since October so we are going to have another run. Talking of books I have hundreds of slides of Pannal - Turn of the 20th century photos right through to now which I could use in another book. As I said my first two are out of print so I think another one is called for. Looks like Pannal Golf Course will not see me for a little while. I am doing a talk with slides Wednesday 15th January in St Robert's Church for Pannal Wives. This one is on Pannal but I have another talk in March of the Valley Gardens. I only do talks from October until end of March as golf and my gardens calls and of course walking.

Because I was away in Cheltenham and Bristol the cats Marble and Tigs are not speaking to me. They have taken (can't spell umbrage - ha -so let say they are very annoyed with me)